But He Likes Them Toxic . . .

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Todoroki stomped the ground, and a large shard of ice flew towards Hitoshi. To the vampire's credit, he was able to roll out of the way despite the edge of the gym uniform getting slightly icy.

Now, logically, Izuku knows Todoroki was likely to win; but he couldn't help but have a little hope for Hitoshi pulling something out of his ass and winning.

"And Todoroki starts it off with another wave of ice! Just how long can he keep using half of his quirk?!" Present Mic narrated, speaking Izuku's thoughts.

'Yeah, how much more can you use your ice before you get hypothermia?' It had been awhile since Izuku had been serious about anything but committing suicide, but in his endeavors he had noticed Todoroki's very well hidden condition.

Since Todoroki pretty much had two quirks, they balanced each other out. Half-hot, half-cold. The implications were in the name itself. His body wasn't made to fully support the use of only one of his quirks.

And, Izuku obviously noticed Todoroki hated using his fire (for some very obvious reasons). But since he never used his fire (well, besides a few accidents),  Izuku could see the drawbacks clearly.

The class pretty boy could only take so much chill before his body fell into hypothermia—which, naturally—was supposed to be canceled out by the use of his fire. This also worked vice versa; if his body got too hot and he had dangers of heat stroke, then he would be able to use his ice.

Izuku hummed, watching as Hitoshi managed to dodge another blast of ice. The crowd cheered at this somewhat surprising fight, but Izuku's own eyes narrowed.

'This could be either good or bad.' The crowd was busy focusing on the two students to notice, unfortunately. The green haired teenager scanned the arena, then looked at Hitoshi to see if he also noticed.

To Izuku's delight, Hitoshi did manage to notice, after dodging another wave of ice. The lilac haired boy's face scrunched before disappearing behind a block of previously made ice.

The battle area was running out of open ground, due to how Todoroki was battling with his ice. Hitoshi wasn't strong enough to break it either. However, the clever boy decided to try and use it to his advantage. If there isn't much open space, then use the obstacles against the opponent.

Of course, they both had to see each other to land any hits, but with Todoroki's current style of fighting, he had a lot of open holes. First, his attacks were more long distance, so anything up close was a more dangerous situation.

Normally it wouldn't matter since he had flames, but obviously everybody and their mother knew that Todoroki hated using his flames. So that pretty much left the whole left side of his body open for physical attacks.

Now Izuku could guess that Hitoshi's plan was to use Todoroki's ice as cover to not only get a break from his attacks, but also to get close enough to land a hit on him.

"It seems like the powerful force of ice has a two edged sword!" Present Mic's voice rang out in excitement. He definitely could see everything from that bird's eye view in the announcement room. "The once ferocious freeze has now become an obstacle of hide and seek!"

From his slightly higher platform, Izuku could see Hitoshi weaving clumsily through the ice, making use of Todoroki's growing frustration and lack of attention.

A slow smile stretched across Izuku's face. 'Someone is going to be very interested after this.'

The vampiric looking boy stopped for a second, and after waiting until Todoroki started to use his own ice to break the larger structures, rushed out. Todoroki noticed him right away, but it was already too late.

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