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Izuku has once again been kidnapped by an adult who thinks he needs help. Wait, is it considered kidnap if he is being brought to the police station? Meh, whatever. Izuku just wants to go home and he's pretty sure everyone else wants to go home too. That's to be expected at two in the morning though.

The ride to the police station was awful, for both Izuku and Tsukauchi. Izuku was in mortal pain from the entire drive (which is funny because he seems immortal), because with every bump and turn the car took sent a new wave of pain washing over Izuku's body.

And poor Tsukauchi had to put up with a tired, wounded, sassy, hormonal teengare. Please take a moment to thank this poor detective who is just trying to do his job . . .

After a good ten minutes of hell, the car at last pulled up to the police station and the detective and greenette made their way into the building.

"You know detective, I've never been in a police station. In fact, I wasn't planning to get into one for at least one more week." Izuku stated to Tsukauchi. "There were some things I want to try out that have a high possibility of putting me behind bars."

"Of course he's not lying!" The detective sighed to himself.

Izuku frowned. "Why would I lie, sir?"

Tsukacuhi turned to him. "Maybe because I am a police officer?! Why would you say anything like that in front of an officer?"

"Oh yeah, I guess that is a fair point."

They continued their walk through the mostly quiet building. Only a few officers were there, answering the phones and completing unfinished paperwork. But a certain group of three were huddled in a group at a desk—away from everyone else. The group was made up of an officer who had a cat head, an extremely tired looking hobo and a just as tired purple haired teen who seemed slightly traumatized. Yup, these were Izuku's people alright.

So as you could probably guess, Izuku skipped over to the small group—ignoring the protests the detective shouted.

"HIYA! I've been thinking about joining a cult, so why no sign up for whatever y'all have going on here?" Izuku exclaimed happily. The purple teen paled immediately, the hobo groaned in annoyance and the cat officer just looked more than confused.

But surprisingly the first to respond was a distrubed detective. "It's scary because he's not lying . . ."

Izuku stared at the detective for a good minute, lost in thought. The detective always knew what was a lie and what was the truth. 'A quirk for sure.' Izuku thought to himself. 'Now the question is how it works. Does it depend on a person's pulse and breathing? Or if someone were to convince themself of a lie, would his quirk be able to find the real truth? Can he get the truth from someone about something they don't know?'

Izuku's thoughts were interrupted by the purple teen yelling, "IT'S YOU!"

Oh, that's right, they have met already. Izuku's eyes widened at the realization that this was the kid who had seen him stabbed to death.

"Hitoshi! What's going on man? I haven't seen you in forever!!" Yeah, Izuku is going to end up in jail for sure.

"We only met a couple hours ago." Hitoshi deadpanned.

"A lot has happened in those few hours." Izuku pointed out and Hitoshi couldn't help but agree.

The hobo, who has been listening the whole time—quietly spoke up. "A few hours ago? Wasn't that about when you called in about a blonde girl killing someone or something?" It took a moment for Aizawa, but after that moment, he understood exactly what he said. "Oh gosh, that was you wasn't it?"

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