IDK what's up with these titles

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He is so close. Izuku wants nothing more at the moment then to be at the convenience store. Who knew that dying and coming back to life would be so painful and tiring? His body was screaming in protest with every step he took. His limbs were shaking under his exhaustion and he could feel his body still trying to recover from blood loss. Or, if you're too fancy for the word blood loss, then he is still suffering from 'exsanguination'. Yeah, try saying that five times fast.

The greenette made his way through the town. He was still in the more crooked part of Musutafu, so the few people on the streets didn't bother to question him on his bloody attire . . . or even look at him for that matter. There is a high possibility they were too drunk, high or both to notice him. But it's not like he's complaining. The less attention the better.

After continuing through the dark streets clumsily, Izuku finally saw it. The destination of his journey. The long awaited sanctuary. The temple of the dogs. The safe spot for this awful game of life. Izuku made it to the convenience store at last.

He wanted to cry in relief, but somehow held himself together. He stumbled his way across the street as fast as he could, now completely ignoring the ache in his bones. He was so close to the store, just halfway across the street. A couple more limping steps and he'll be there.

Izuku can already taste the sugary Red Bull he was going to get. He can smell the strange unique scent every convenience store has. He can hear the soft music, barely audible, that played in the background. He can feel the pressure of a car hitting him at seventy miles per hour.

Wait . . .

Of course Izuku was hit by a car not even a minute away from the store.

He was halfway across the road, so close. But noooooooo! Izuku's mind didn't even register the blinding lights flying towards him until his body was thrown backwards like a rag doll in a child's hands. In that moment Izuku was done with everything. He couldn't even find it in himself to care.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – -

"Awwwwwww crap!" Yotta Oroka was simply driving home from the bar when this kid came out of nowhere and ran into his car. Yotta got out of his car quickly and ran in zig zags to the kid, who he now noticed was bloody.

"Ohhhhhh shit! That can't be good." The man looked around for someone—anyone—but the place was practically deserted. The only lights were from the couple of street lights and the convenience store a couple meters away.

"I just killed this kid." Yotta stated out loud to himself. Sure, he has killed people before, but accidentally killing a minor has a worse vibe then killing a random guy on the street. "Wait! He might be alive."

Yotta sat there, pressing against different areas on the kid's neck and wrists looking for a pulse. He even pressed his ear against the boy's bloody chest to listen for breathing. But in the end, he got nothing.

"Sheesh, I didn't think I'd kill anyone today." He sighed to himself.

"Welp, I'm gonna just take some things and leave." Yotta concluded while searching the corpse's pockets and getting a wallet and a phone."Nice to meet ya kid, but I've gotta get going." He chirped happily, like he didn't just kill the main protagonist of one of the most beloved animes.

Yotta was about to leave but stopped when he saw a movement from the boy. 'Just how drunk am I?' Yotta asks himself.

The boy, who Yotta thought was one hundred percent dead, began to shake violently and scream in pain. 'Holy crap! I'm wasted!' Yotta was frozen in place, completely unsure on what to do. He's never exactly had to deal with his victims coming back to life, so he was completely lost with this.

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