Midnight's Bottom Line

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Midnight, despite what people say about her, is a decent hero. Yeah, she has her moments where people question her sanity—but it's never stopped her from saving people when it counted. Still, the only thing she could think right now was, 'What the fuck is going on?'

Izuku, on the other hand, was enjoying life—giving autographs and taking pictures and such . . . it was perfectly normal.

"Izuku . . . what the hell are you doing?" Midnight finally questioned, her mouth slack as with disbelieving eyes she watched the green haired child interact with a very thirsty audience.

'Why are they more excited about an underage teen than a grown adult?' She asked herself in her mind. The blushes and leers thrown at the boy were met with equal heavy flirting from Izuku.

She called out with a frown at a particularly suggestive sentence, "He's underage!" She added a quick and softer, "you sick fucks." At the end.

Izuku turned around after blowing a kiss to a madly blushing finance student. "Aw, you care about me! Unfortunately, I'm in recruitment mode right now, so I need all of these lovely folks to either be a customer, a sponsor or a stripper."

'Not to mention you're worse than all of them.' Izuku thought behind his closed eyed smile.

She rolled her eyes, "Just get your ass back here and watch the show."

With a coy grin, he waved goodbye to the crowd and strutted over to Midnight back on the stage. 'I still have more time later to convince them heh.'

He turned his eyes to the screen as the race kept on—even as he was gathering slaves—he means workers. They were workers . . . for his stripper joint.

"Ooh! What a cold force Todoroki is! What do you teach your students Aizawa?!" The blonde bird cawed out as Todoroki froze the robots and left them in a precarious position.

The other students cursed him out and their situation, trying to find ways to get through it. 

Some students began to go and Izuku could see Shinso on his throne of droid humans just chilling around. He looked like he could take a nap to be honest. Izuku could relate and nodded his head as the purple haired hottie leaned back.

"The race is underway folks! The students are making their way around the outer ring with only one rule—make it to the top!" Present Mic recapped. "The video bots are recording so much I can barely hold in my excitement!"

"Why am I here?" Aizawa cut in with a sigh.

A loud crash was heard as the robots fell, cutting off other students from weaving around the giant metal destructive machines. Students jumped back, sweat dripping down their face from the close encounter.

A student pointed at the metal after a few seconds, their mouth moving and eyes widened with surprise.

"Oh, it looks like somebody is stuck under the mess of robots!!" Present Mic ignored him, his eyes focused on the collapsed metal that was mysteriously moving.

Izuku clapped his hands together, his mouth forming an 'o' shape as Kirishima emerged from the debris. "Well done my shark toothed Clifford~"

"Class 1-A's Kirishima got crushed!" Present Mic grabbed the base of the microphone.

Beside him, Testutestu also emerged, the silver shark roaring in the same pose as Kirishima. They both looked at each other before scrambling to compete in the race again.

"Class 1-B's Tetsutetsu also got crushed! We love you guys~!" A slap was heard through the speakers. "Ouch! Oh! To be as expected, most of the people getting past the battle bots are from Class 1-A."

As the rest of the students saw the opportunity to go, Bakugo used his obviously amazing brain and shot himself up and over the robots like a blonde Tarzan. Izuku could see his lips flapping as per usual, probably yelling some obscenities.

Present Mic's voice rang out again, "Class 1-A's Bakugo has leapt off the ground like a rocket in the sky and has vaulted himself over the robots in a very acrobatic move. How creative!"

Izuku looked over, seeing Sero and Tokoyami following Bakugo's lead. He smiled, cocking his head in delight at the two dark haired (feathered?) boys. "It's our edgy boys~"

"As expected, most of those who have unfrozen from their spots and moved past are from Class 1-A. Tell us, how did they get so fast?" Present Mic asked and Izuku could see him turn to the sleep deprived teacher.

Aizawa's mic turned on and his deadpanned voice filled the speakers, "It's not that the other classes are lacking, it's only that they know that they have little time to stop and stare. The experience of the world that awaits them has fueled their fire, leaving no room for doubt and hesitation. They know what true fear is, and they've coped with it—they're prepared more than expected."

Izuku thought back to the whole ordeal with his gun and some bastards. Izuku's lips spread into a not-so-nice grin.

Midnight watched the reaction of the green haired demon, a shiver sent down her spine at the wicked look. 'What in the world domination . . ?'

Izuku's attention was caught when he saw Momo pull out a cannon of all things and start firing at the rest of the bots. Izuku then had a fabulous idea. Skipping to the microphone, he picked up the electronic device and let his idea flow to the crowd.

"Alright, ladies, gentlemen and others of the sort, if I could have you're attention for some time," Izuku's voice caught the crowd's attention as planned. They turned towards him—though their eyes shifting between the crowd and the green haired stripper—they mean child. "Who wants to place some bets?"

Midnight looked at the demon child in a bit of confusion. 'Bets?'

Some random dude called out, "Bets for what?"

"On the students of course," Izuku grinned, holding up a finger. "A bet on a student. This can be from any action they take or a final destination. The only rule is that you cannot change your student. You must constantly bet on a single student."

The crowd murmured.

"Betting on students?"

"Like a horse race?"

"Should I spend money? Do I even have money to spend?"

Izuku's grin widened, "The final winner not only collects all the cash, but gets a personal wish granted guaranteed—no limits."

That's when all hell broke loose, Midnight's bottom line had been completely demolished.


Words Count: 1090

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