How to train a cult

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After the quick break so Cementoss could clean up the arena, Izuku hopped back onto the stage. Midnight was still staring off into oblivion with a slightly horrified and disgusted look on her face.

Which sort of surprised Izuku considering her attitude at first. But then again, she may be bipolar or have too many different personalities. So the devil spawn of emerald and sulfur decided to ask the unreasonably sexy heroine later about it.

He turned his attention to the tunnels where the next competitors would emerge from.

To no one's surprise, Bakugo had a face splitting evil grin on his face at the match up. Kirishima, the manly alpha male he is, put his fist in his palm and gave a crooked smile.

"Next up we have the powerhouse, Bakugo Katsuki vs, the incredible rock, Kirishima Eijorou!!" Present Mic narrated. "This second round match up should be interesting to watch! BeCAUSE KIDS OF OPPOSING QUIRKS ALWAYS HAVE AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS ARC—!"

'BANG!' The mic cut off real quick. And Izuku didn't see the paintbrush yellow hair sticking up from the windows anymore.

'Troll's wig man must be knocked out. Poor guy. Imagine getting hit by an arm in a cast. Skill issue, for real.' Izuku shook his head. He then turned to Midnight, who was gripping the microphone savagely in her hand.

He didn't know why she was holding it so tight, not like it was part of her nightstand collection anyways. So he cleared his throat obnoxiously and tilted his eyes with an overdramatic puppy dog look.

"Midnight, my dear star (stripper)~" Izuku called out lovably. She slowly turned her head, forcing a smile on her face as her attention grew away from the crowd.

"Yes?" She gritted out, her eyes blazing.

'She's mentally ill.' Izuku's smile turned sweet as he recognized a fellow unstable maniac. See, there was a possibility he could become a hero! (He's lying. The atrocities he would commit would not be enough for the umbrella of the hero society to cover).

"Could I pretty please with a cherry on top get the poor tortured mic from your chiseled claw of a hand?" He tilted his head and gave very cute eyes so she wouldn't notice he pretty much insulted the hell out of her hand (which wasn't ugly at all).

With a curl of her lip, which signified she definitely heard the full question and his smile and cute face did in fact not distract her from his words, she handed him the mic.

Obviously not almost dropping it before he had a full handle on it because that would be totally petty of a grown woman to do to a teenager. And definitely didn't turn her head and cross her arms afterwards because that would be childish of such an esteemed heroine such as herself.

"Thank you dear~" Izuku's made sure to add some extra sugar in his voice so instead of sounding sweet it sounded like diabetes. Voices were meant to be pleasing, not sounding like they were drowning in syrup after all.

Anyways, onto more important things besides two mentally disturbed people having a cat fight.

Bakugo and Kirishima stepped onto the field. Both of them looked excited for this match up. Which was understandable considering that their quirks perfectly opposed each other.

Bakugou's hands steamed as his fingers twitched from the adrenaline spike; caused by his excitement to the fight. "I'll crush you shitty hair."

"We'll see soon enough," Kirishima's eyes held a rather determined glint.

Izuku lazily brought the mic to his mouth, narrating with childish glee. "Now you know the rules~ No killing, no fighting after an opponent calls it quits, and absolutely no making out on the battlefield. Children are watching. And by that, I mean Midnight."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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