Toaster x Bathtub

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The tragic story between a toaster and a bathtub. Oh, and an electrocuted teenage boy. Or is it an electrified teenage boy?

It was really only one day before the Sports Festival and Izuku had shit to do. He had to book an appointment with Dr Phil for Bakugo's anger management thing, he had to talk to Todoroki about opening a strip club and he had to hack into police files to retrieve his gun.

'This really is a tragic love story between a gun and its owner.' Izuku wiped a tear that trailed down his face as he was thinking about his gun.


Look, he can even hear his gun calling his name.


'Don't worry gun, you'll be reunited with the bed and I soon. Give or take a few hours of hacking.'

"Oi, trigger happy shrub!"

"Fu—" Izuku clamped his mouth shut to preserve any virgin ears and looked up from his position on the couch. Bakugo and Iida stood over him. An eyebrow was raised incredulously at the interesting sight. "What am I missing? Class prez falls for angry bad boy? Or is it the other way around?"

Bakugo scrunched up his nose in disgust, glaring at Izuku like he took the last weed brownie. Unfortunately, Izuku nor Bakugo had ever eaten weed brownies so Izuku doesn't know if Bakugo likes them or not.

"No, you shitface, we have to go to class," Bakugo growled. Iida glared at Bakugo for Izuku like a knight in shining armor.


"I prefer the term scarface over that, or even handsome face," Izuku shrugged. "If you don't get the reference I'm calling your parents to disown you."

Bakugo snorted and walked away while Iida tapped his watch. "We have fifteen minutes left before class starts. We'll be late if we don't head over now."

With that, Izuku's knight in shining armor left him. Izuku wondered if Iida knew that Izuku could be late because he was a student teacher and not a student. Well, it didn't really matter because even if he was a student, he would still be late.

Dying takes time you know. And so does the two minutes it takes for his heart to start beating again.

Truly an inconvenience of inconveniences.




"Really? When? Where? How fast? How hard? How long? And how much are you willing to pay for the fabulous time I'm going to give you?"

"Oh my god Izuku shut the hell up."

"You know, I've already told you I've been banned from there," Izuku crossed his arms—well tried to. It was hard when he was wrapped up in tape and stuck on the ceiling. "I even have a restraining order!"

Mina looked up at the green haired child incredulously. "Is that really something to be proud about?"

Sero shrugged, watching as the boy stuck in his handiwork snorted in amusement.

"Of course it is. It takes a lot of work to get banned from a place where torturing people is polite and burning until you die is just like a shower."

Bakugo finally spoke up again, his own body wrapped up in tape like Izuku was. "Hell can't be any worse than this."

Izuku thought about it. 'He's not wrong, but at what cost?'

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