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"Wait. Why are we having a contest to show off our rooms?" Izuku asked with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Because, by looking at someone's room, you can get a pretty good read on their personality." Mina states. "Plus, it would be fun!"

"Tch, that's stupid! I don't want to see any of your extra's idiotic bedrooms!" Bakugo yelled. "I'm going to bed!" He then turned around and stomped away with unnecessary aggressiveness.

"Huh, is it eight thirty already?" Izuku asked while looking at the clock. "You'd think that since the mutt gets extra sleep, he'd have a more happy mood . . . but nope!"

"No way! Does Bakubro actually go to sleep at eight?!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Yes, unlike some of us, Bakugo has the unfair ability to fall asleep and stay asleep for a healthy period of time." He sighed. "I wish I could sleep . . . it's like death but you wake up again after a moment." He smiled happily at the thought while the other students all stared at him as they processed what he said.

"Wait a minute . . . haha! I don't have an immortality quirk! I have a sleeping quirk!" Izuku said, pumping his fist excitedly.

"I don't think that's how sleep works . . ." Ojiro stated with a nervous smile while the rest of the class nodded in agreement.

"Well, my consciousness is more clear when I wake up. Isn't that what sleep is for?"

Mina coughed to get the class's attention. "Anyways, let's just begin showing off our rooms!" She yelled while showing the class into the elevator. "We can start on the girls' side!"

The ride in the elevator was cramped, but no one seemed to mind and instead chose to banter and joke with each other.

"Who's room is first, kero?" Tusyu asked as the class stepped out of the elevator and into the hall.

"Well, Jiro's room is closest, so we can start there!" Mina squealed while pointing in the room's direction.

"Ah man, are we actually doing this?" Jiro asked while nervously fiddling with her headphone jacks.

"It'll be fine!" Mina exclaimed while basically busting down the door to the purple haired girl's room with a hard kick. "FBI, OPEN UP!"

"There goes my door . . ." Jiro sighed.

"Whoa!There are so many instruments!" Uraraka exclaimed, scanning every instrument with amazement and pure awe in her eyes.

Jiro nodded shyly. "Yeah, I guess."

"Can you really play all of these?" Momo asked while staring at an electric guitar that hung on the wall.

"Yeah, I guess I know the basics and stuff . . ."

"Now that is talent. If I were to try to play a song or sing, I'd somehow summon Lucifer . . . and that restraining order still exists." Izuku sighed with exaggeration that made a light blush appear on Jiro's face as she looked away in embarrassment.

"This room isn't feminine at all!" A certain perverted grape whined with a human pikachu.

Jiro stabbed them both without hesitation with her headphone jacks before turning back to the class. "Let's just move on . . ."

"Alright, next is my room!" Hagakure exclaimed.

— — — — — — — — — —

The class moved on from the girls' side of the dorms before moving to the male's. They moved through the guy's rooms quickly—possibly because there wasn't much to look at in the rooms. Most of the rooms were boring or just strange. There was Sato's room; where Izuku and all the girls decided that his room was on par with Heaven thanks to the fluffy cake provided. They had Mineta's room skipped for . . . obvious reasons. Not to forget Todoroki's room, which seemed to have been completely redone—flooring and all.

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