Strip money doesn't have to be made at the club

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"It's the freshman stage! And the students are making their entries now!" Present Mic's voice boomed from the mics. "This is the Yueei Sports Festival, where these little babies end up fighting to the near death!"

A smack was heard through the speaker.

"Ow! Anyways", Present Mic's slightly strained voice continued on gleefully. "Our grand finale on this stage is what you all are waiting for. Since making the headlines, you've come for the freshman heroics class to watch brutal duels!"

Another smack was heard along with a more pain filled 'ow' and a grumble. The crowd roared despite the interruption. Or they might have because of it—like the bloodthirsty WWE fans—I mean heroes they were.

"But more importantly, you're here for class 1-A right?!" Present Mic yelled as the crowd screamed.

Meanwhile in a covert tunnel that led to the screaming savages—Izuku was strutting in front of the class. He had his trench coat back on (to many people's disappointment) and his sunglasses were perched on his face. He grinned as he heard the final roar of the crowd.

"It's show time bitches," Izuku glanced back with a smirk. "You better strut like Rihanna."

Light poured in from the open tunnel right behind Izuku, making him seem like he was glowing. The class held their breaths as the angelic person in front of them gave a not so angelic stare with their smirk widening into a devilish smile.

The tunnel ended and Izuku came out proudly in front of the class—who still had blushes covering their face (Bakugo stated that it was because it was warm but Todoroki stated it was a cool 75 degrees. Todoroki was pushed to the other side of the class).

The thundering noise of the audience in the stands fully enveloped the class as they found their spot.

"And following the heroics class B, here come classes C, D and E from general education department!" There was clearly a biast, but that was only because Present Mic was being threatened for his life if he made anymore dramatic speeches. Aizawa was not having it.

The blonde cockatoo yammered out the rest of the classes as Shinso snorted. "So we're just some cannon fodder tag-alongs."

"I like to think you're a male lead love interest," a voice came right beside his ear. He turned red and jumped, holding his ear with his lilac eyes wide.

Izuku was nonchalantly standing right behind him, looking around at the fellow grumbling students. Shinso took in his outfit with an eyebrow raised and his mouth agape.

"W-when did you—"

"For quite a while," Izuku met his eyes and smiled mischievously. "I've been in various moment to moment."

Shinso swallowed, "Why aren't you with class 1-A?"

Izuku waved his hand like the purple haired hottie was talking about bugs, "The bastards are on my blacklist for now. A bunch of meanies I tell you."

Shinso wanted to ask more about it for curiosity's sake, but a whip was heard in the front. Everyone turned their head as Midnight stood there in all her glory with a sardonic smile on her face.

"Now now, let's get along everyone."

Izuku let out a whistle, "Damn, she showed up like she was performing with Beyoncé."

Was the green haired child still scared of her? Yes. But he had some confidence that she wouldn't try anything with everyone around. Then he remembered he thought the same thing would happen with Aizawa and how that whole fiasco turned out. 'Well fuck.'

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