Todoroki's mom was just trying to boil the Endeavor out of him

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The warm sun shined through the windows of Ua and into the school's empty halls. Well, almost empty halls. A green teenager could be seen in the halls, slowly dragging his feet towards class 1-C. Izuku knew he was late, but did he give a shit? No. In fact, he gave negative shits.

The night before, he couldn't fall asleep because of that one simple question that plagued his mind. 'If walking was only invented in 1938, did everyone get around like caterpillar Aizawa before then?' Let's just say that the night was full of Izuku surfing the web for answers. Answers he never got.

By the time he finally gave up and decided to just live a life of doubt. It was lunch period for UA. But of course, it took Izuku another thirty minutes to get dressed, bleached his eyes and brush his teeth. Hygiene is very important to Izuu despite the fact that his body can adapt and fix itself under any circumstance. That included cavities and unholy images infiltrating Izuku's . . . peaceful mind.

He sighed with annoyance, but nonetheless made it to 1-C's large door. Izuku could hear Present mic's loud screeching from outside the room—which meant the class was probably in the middle of an English lesson. What better time to interrupt than during English?

Without hesitation, Izuku busted down the doors and walked in. "The party has arrived bitches! I will fix your boring English lesson with my R-rated personality, you're welcome."

Several students fell out of their seats and even more screamed, including Present Mic—who was on the floor with a pale face.

"Damn! I know I'm kind of a mess today, but I can't look that bad!" Izuku let out a dramatic sigh. "Y'all are just downright rude-"

"Oh, it's just you . . . I- I think my heart stopped for a minute." Present Mic commented with a hand on his chest.

"Been there, done that. You get used to it eventually."

A certain lavender haired boy stared in fright and confusion at Izuku from the back of the class. But because of PTSD, he kept himself from actually attempting to talk to the same boy he had previously seend making jokes while being stabbed to death by a psycho blonde.

"S-sir, who is this?" A random background character asked with a stutter.

"Hiya, the name is Gabe Itch! I am here against my will to help my captors teach y'all useless things you'll never need in the future!"

"This listener is Izuku and he is a teacher assistant." The blonde teacher said while picking himself off the floor.

"Why does no one let me have my way with the names?" Izuku groaned.

Present Mic smiled. "Because it tricks the students into using profanity without knowing it and parents wouldn't be very happy about that." The blonde turned back to his class of confused students. "You can all introduce yourselves after this announcement." The class nodded slowly but still took their seats.

"Okay listeners, listen up. You all have two weeks to prepare yourselves for the UA Sports Festival! This is your chance to take a spot in the hero course and show the world what the General Ed students can really do! So try your best and go Plus Ultra!!" Present Mic was screaming into the air with his hands up and a bright smile on his face.

"I'm surprised the Sports Festival is still going to happen" A student commented, mostly to herself.

"Yeah, I was pretty certain they'd shut it down after what happened with the idiots from Class 1-A." Another said with a scowl.

A girl crossed her arms, "It couldn't have been that bad, if the school isn't shutting down the festival." The rest of the students nodded in agreement.

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