Izuku's plans to dominate the world

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Izuku has decided that he hates hospitals with a burning passion. Not only was Izuku stuck in a hospital bed, again, but this time the doctors would take shifts to make sure that he didn't jump out the window or smash a pen into the floor. So now, Izuku was left with nothing to do but to have a silent staring contest with whoever was watching him.

Izuku was extremely uncomfortable. He has been stuck in the same position for hours. His body was sore and ached—and he had an IV sticking out from his arm. It really only showed that the doctors definitely hadn't learned anything from the first time he ripped it out. Oh, and let's not forget the bandages that were wrapped around his head and his left eye, making him extremely itchy. The doctors didn't want to take the bandages off unless the wounds on his face needed cleaning. Of course, Izuku knew that with his quirk, the wounds were probably already healed. So he saw no point in the irritating bandages.

Due to these small annoyances, Izuku has refused to eat or talk—unless he is making a smart ass remark. He had to spite the doctors for grounding him to his hospital room with absolutely nothing to do but think. And let's be honest here, Izuku shouldn't be thinking right now because there are only two things his mind has the energy to think about; and that is how to royally piss off these doctors and questioning the meaning of life.

You may be surprised and wondering how Izuku wasn't spending every minute he had repeatedly thinking of his mother, but in all honesty—Izuku did everything possible to keep his mind from his mother. He didn't want to remember her. That may make Izuku look selfish but he wanted nothing to do with her.

Izuku will admit that when he first woke up, his thoughts were drowned out with memories of what had happened—but soon after, he remembered his mother and started to fall into a panic attack. Izuku has never in his life had a panic attack that actually seemed to be serious. Before, the worst attacks he could possibly get is where he might struggle hearing or he wouldn't be able to get his muscles to relax and breathe correctly. But they would never get worse than that. Actually, he barely counted them as real panic attacks.

But the attack in the hospital was bad. His breathing began to quicken and his normal hearing was replaced by a ringing in his ear. His vision—in the eye he could actually see out of—was drowned in black dots, leaving him entirely blind. His body was shaking as he was rolled into a ball with his legs to his chest.

The doctors were quick to drug him so that he calmed down while they attempted to bring him back to reality. But let's be honest here, giving Izuku drugs would be a definite backlash lalter.

Izuku was intently staring down the blonde doctor—who was watching him—with a glaring green eye. But the doctor didn't back down and instead stared back with unblinking eyes. Izuku liked this supervisor much better than the other watch dogs—who had all been too much of a coward to meet his eye. But this woman just looked back like nothing was going on.

They continued to stare at each other, neither one looking to back down.


Aizawa didn't know what to think when Tsukauchi called his phone to tell him nothing but to come to the hospital with Nezu. But he sure as hell wasn't expecting to find a certain sassy greenette stuck to a hospital bed once again. He began to wish that he brought more coffee.

"What did he do this time?" Aizawa asked, looking away from the window—that showed into Izuku's room—and to the Detective. Nezu was sitting on his shoulders with an expression he couldn't quite figure out.

"He was killed again," the detective started but looked hesitant to finish.

Aizawa sighed, "No surprise here, but seeing your expression, there is more to it."

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