Jojo's Bizzare Battles

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So after Midnight pulled a lottery box out of her ass, a dilemma occurred. All people fighting and his girl Uraraka and his somewhat tame dog were pitted against each other in the first round.

Izuku hummed, fidgeting with a knife he stuck in his pocket earlier. Perhaps he should make a bomb? Cut Bakugo's shoe laces? Tie him up and leave him in a closet? Actually, no wait, that sounded really dirty.

He should do it sometime.

'Should I play the part of a glucose parent?' He wondered, walking through the halls once again since they were preparing the stage. He didn't need to be out there with Midnight, and since he could die at the moment, he thought he should annoy some people.

He reached a private room, and upon slamming the door open with the words, "DADDY'S HOME!", he found a shell-shocked Uraraka sitting down. He smiled, 'Target acquired~'

"Uraraka," the freckled child greeted.

". . . Midoriya." Uraraka replied back carefully. 'What happens to hello? How are you?' She thought incredulously. 'Is this who we are?'

Her face was a little blank, and Izuku didn't think he phased her that much, so he followed her eyes to the door behind him.

'Oh. Well, the door is gone now, whoops.' Sneakily, he put himself between Uraraka and the door, hoping she wouldn't look at the poor, barely hanging door and the large ass crack in the wall.

Izuku probably accidentally used his damn quirk, but then he remembered that he got these stupid white cheerleading shoes from a support course student. 'Ah.'

Of course, these weren't normal shoes. Izuku nodded to himself, and Uraraka opened her mouth and asked in a small voice. 'For his sake, let's pretend I don't see the wall.'

"So, ahem, what can I help you with?" She looked at him, blinking away her shock with an even smaller smile.

"Calculus," Izuku replied swiftly before sitting on the table next to her. He swung his legs before smiling brilliantly. "To be honest, I didn't expect you in here, I just opened a random door. But I'm glad you're in here. It would have been boring without you."

Izuku really didn't say anything teasing, but he leaned in close to her and maintained a little too much eye contact. He could swear he saw her eyes spin before she blushed and stuttered.

"O-Oh. I-I'm glad to hear it."

"Me too~" He leaned back, giving the poor girl room to breathe. And to recover from a near heart attack.

'Who the hell just maintains eye contact like that?' The girl shakily put her hand over heart and calmed down her breathing. Then she realized she sounded stupid. Eye contact was normal 'Maybe it's not the eye contact, but his eyes.'

No, that was more stupid. As she thought of a way to make herself sound less stupid, Izuku picked up her chin and frowned.

"Hey, pay attention to me."

'Nope, just him.' She blushed and the next thing Izuku knew, he was floating into the ceiling.

Then he turned his head and was met with a giant ass spiderweb. 'Did I just see Lucifer??' He spoke up with a nervous laugh as its beady eyes looked at him. "Babe, I always dreamed of being an astronaut but there's a huge ass spider up here—"


Oh great, another crack in the wall. Well, the spider's dead—


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