The Heck?!

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Izuku was not expecting to go to UA today, but yet here he was. Eraserhead had basically dragged Izuku through the school until he finally stopped at a door, which seems to be the medical office. Eraserhead didn't even bother to knock and instead busted right through the door. Inside the room was your basic nurse's office; with several beds, many cabinets, a desk and a bathroom. A small woman was at the desk, preparing things for a certain bloody child.

When Izuku first saw the woman, he almost had a heart attack. Recovery Girl is one of the most popular healing heroes to exist and he just happens to be in the same room as her. The poor greenette's fanboy heart can't take this.

"Wow, you're Recovery Girl! Hahaha, I'm in the same room with both Eraserhead and Recovery Girl!" The woman looked over at the two, but once she saw the bloody kid, her eyes widened and the color drained from her face.

"Shota, set him down." The underground hero nods and quickly brings Izuku to a bed.

"Huh . . . so Eraserhead's name is Shota?" The boy asks no one specifically, but both heroes ignored the question anyways.

"What happened?" Recovery Girl asks while digging through the greenette's hair, looking for any head wounds.

"Well, I was on my patrol and found the kid like that on a roof. He wouldn't tell me what happened but after looking around, I found a puddle of blood on the ground next to the building." The woman nodded, still looking over the boy for where the blood could be coming from.

"It doesn't make any sense. How tall was the building? Because I can't find any broken bones or open wounds." She asked, not bothering to even look at the other hero while talking.

"The building was like four or five stories high. I didn't check." Recovery Girl looked even more confused at that.

"A fall from that height should have killed him or at least break some bones." The heroine states while taking a small hammer to Izuku's kneecaps to check his reaction time.

Eraserhead just nodded. "I know, but the only other option is that it is not his blood. But even so, that wouldn't explain the blood on the ground and how no one else was near it."

"Okay, okay, okay. Hold your horses." The greenette, who had been quiet until now (trying to keep up with the conversation) said at last. "I'm right here, so why are y'all having this whole debate about me while I'm right here?"

"Does that mean you're going to tell us what happened?" Aizawa asks.

Izuku took a moment to contemplate things. "Yeah . . . nevermind. You can continue."

Both adults sighed and looked like they were about to say something but were cut off by a dog-mouse-bear-thing strutting casually into the room and taking a seat.

"No way!!! You're Nezu! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised . . . this is your school. How was I even allowed to come inside here? Doesn't UA have amazing security? Plus, what good was it to bring me here anyways? Why not just bring me to a hospital or the police station? But it does make sense if I think about it . . . I can get medical treatment from Recovery Girl and with Nezu and his mind, he could possibly figure out what happened without me actually saying—" Izuku abruptly stops his muttering session when he notices Nezu nodding along to his words and Recovery Girl and Eraserhead backing up slowly.

"My bad. Now, since I'm in perfect health, can I leave?" The greenette asks with an exasperated sigh.

"I think you know well that isn't going to happen until you give us some answers." Nezu states while pulling a cup of tea from thin air. "Let's start with the simple questions, like, what's your name?"

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