How to Collect Pokéhoes

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Now, Izuku wouldn't say this was the Hunger Games on homemade steroids made by potheads from Walmart . . . but it definitely was something. The greenette had only ever seen this much chaos when his elementary school ran out of ice cream on a celebration and had to call the police, firemen, and paramedics to calm the situation down.

Each team was fighting each other to the death as planned, but the genuine desperation to save their lives is what really made it fun.

"For Sparta!" Like the proper commentator he is, Izuku shouted random things at teams who literally looked like they had been dragged through hell.

A student made the mistake of looking over and nearly got swept off his horse, kicked in the jewels, and had his headband stolen. The student was visibly upset, and who was Izuku to ruin his rage?

"Personally," the freckled boy crooned out. "If it were me, I wouldn't take that."

'Skill: Professional Instigator —Activated.' Izuku hummed in delight as the boy turned into old time rage Kurama—err, nine tailed fox—and screamed bloody murder at other poor students.

Izuku laughed, clapping his hands together childishly. Midnight looked at the demonic child, a shiver making its way down her spine as she slowly backed away from the greenette. She was crazy, but sane.

'Now would be a good time to turn to the Lord and repent for my sins.' Midnight secretly turned around and clasped her hands together, fervently mouthing words to make it safely to the next event.

Feeling the power of faith uncomfortably burning into his sinful skin, the freckled boy frowned and whipped his head over to the source of the forbidden. He called out sweetly, "Midnight, are you talking about me to Jesus~?"

Midnight froze mid word, and all the blood drained from her face. She turned around with a wobbly smile, "Nooooooo, of course not. I would never!"

Izuku smiled softly, "The Bible says not to lie."

Midnight pressed her lips together, continuing to back away from the green demon. Izuku clicked his tongue but left her alone. All crazy people tend to find out he was the insanity crazy and not uncomfortable crazy. Pity they couldn't share the fun.

'Anyways, Jesus has heard enough about me already. The Savior had to deal with my sins on the cross.' Izuku shook his head with a sigh, Jesus really stayed in Hell to deal with the aftermath of his sins, not because it was a symbol of fulfilling prophecies.

If anyone could give the Son of God PTSD, it was Izuku Midoriya.

"DIE!!!" Ah, there his explosive Pomeranian was. Izuku looked over at the blonde, seeing the peppermint colored daddy issues facing off with him.

"Did you not like that I hugged your leg?" Todoroki asked, his monotone voice carrying over to Izuku's ears somehow. "Are you allergic to human touch? Or are you unused to human affection like me?"

"NO ONE ASKED FOR YOUR SOB STORY YOU ICY HOT BASTARD." Bakugo howled, his group charging at Todoroki's.

"It's okay, we can bond over our issues and be friends." Todoroki comforted, sending an ice wall to force Bakugo's group onto a different route.

"Pfft," Izuku covered his mouth. 'Poor Todoroki. Friends.'

Bakugo's enraged screams filled the arena joyously. It really was a beautiful day to be having gladiator fights. Ooh's and ah's filled the arena as colorful lights filled up the sky. From Todoroki's ice to Kaminari's electricity, it was like Disney light display on meltdown.

"Less than five minutes to go! Is Bakugo going to hold out here or is the ice king going to freeze his way to a win?" Present Mic's enthusiastic voice boomed over the loudspeakers.

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