Izuku vs Pen

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Izuku stared at the ceiling of the hospital room. He was alone in the room, but he didn't mind the silence. His mind was busy looping in a circle, thinking and rethinking about all that had happened in one night. He was stabbed by a crazy girl named Toga, he was hit by a car, his wallet got stolen from him, a magic force slammed him into a wall and now he was in the hospital.

Not to mention he had died four times. That is correct, four frickin times! Now you may be thinking, 'but I only read about three deaths?' Sure, but because those stupid doctors decided to open Izuku's chest up to 'fix' the rib impaling his lung, he had died a fourth time. While the doctors and nurses were freaking out about Izuku's revival, they had completely forgotten about the large gash in his chest that they put there. Long story short, he had died from blood loss once again.

Izuku was put in a hospital room and left there. Most of the staff who had helped with Izuku's surgery were now traumatized and had told the stores to other staff members at the hospital. Everyone is now too scared to go into his room. Plus, they also expect him to be unconscious or even dead. Haha, jokes on them because that is seemingly impossible.

But this is good, it gave him time to think about the random power that showed up when Toga killed him. Yeah, he forgot about that until now. As Toga had explained, it was basically where he increased her weight by simply looking at her. 'Well, there is no one here to test it on, so for now—let's try it on an object.'

Izuku looked around the room, but there were no small, loose objects around him that would work. Although, across the room there was a single notepad and pen that were laying there, almost asking to be thrown into the air. Perfect. But it was across the room from Izuku, who was in a hospital bed with a needle in his arm. Izuku glanced down at the IV in his arm. 'Oh well,' he thought as he ripped it from his arm hastily. 'Not like I need it anyways.'

Maybe pulling the IV out with a hard yank wasn't the best idea. Almost immediately, blood started flowing from the small puncture wound and Izuku could feel a bruise starting to form. It didn't hurt. Actually, the tape keeping the IV in his arm hurt more from being ripped off than the actual needle that was pulled out. But then again, all the blood was kind of concerning. 'Welp, looks like I'll just die again.' Izuku thought bitterly.

Now, what Izuku wasn't expecting was for the bleeding to stop almost as fast as it had begun. There wasn't even a mark from what Izuku could tell. There was a lot of blood, so it was hard to know if he missed it or not. Izuku assumed it was normal and instead focused on getting across the room.

It wasn't until Izuku attempted to walk that he realized just how sore he was. The greenette spent a good three minutes limping across the five foot long room. Until, at last, he made it to the counter that held the glorious notebook and pen.

Izuku grabbed the pen and stared at it in his hand with anticipation. How does he do this again? Because at the moment, he felt utterly stupid. Izuku frowned at the small pen that was getting on his nerves.

"Well, maybe with some air you'll become heavy." Izuku said out loud, trying his best not to cringe at the line he had just said and at the sound of his dehydrated voice. He threw the pen into the air and stared at it aggressively with squinted eyes. But to no avail. The pen fell at a normal pace until it landed with a gentle tap on the floor.

"Well that was rude." Izuku said, scowling at the pen before picking it up again.

The cycle of throwing the poor pen in the air and then making a harsh comment—to the now discouraged inanimate pen—had begun for Izuku. It's a miracle that the pen hadn't broken with how hard Izuku was throwing it around. And in all honesty, it annoyed Izuku. It almost felt like the pen was taunting him.

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