Gun safety is for the weak

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"Wow! They even have fake villains here!" The boy with spiked red hair exclaimed—to which Izuku groaned.

"Sorry, but those villains happen to be more real than Kylie Jenner." Izuku stated.

"Izuku is right. You all need to stay back here. Thirteen, watch the kids." And with that Aizawa ran into the mass of villains.

Izuku looked at the villains with his good eye. There were only three that stood out to Izuku, and that was the purple portal (that happened to be a man), a large buff dude with an exposed brain (and what looked like a beak) and a man with light baby blue hair and dry skin (who had severed hands placed around on his body). Yep, your normal villain stereotypes.

Izuku looked around more at the several minor villains, who were all trying to get their shot at fighting Eraserhead. They all seemed boring enough, most of them had mutations—which means they were most likely the outcome of quirk discrimination and thus turned to the dark side. Eraserhead was doing great at fighting villains, which partially surprised Izuku. Most underground heroes don't get the chance to practice fighting off large groups of villains at once because they don't really need it. But Aizawa had clearly trained for this type of incident.

Izuku watched the fight carefully. He noted the different tactics aizawa and the villains used to fight. A lot of the moves were quirkless thanks to Aizawa's quirk. 'Oh god. My inner geek is showing.' Izuku thought with an eye roll.

He was about to turn to the students and come up with a plan, but two familiar faces caught his eye. Izuku stopped in his tracks and stared at the two bastards. But instead of getting mad and starting to rage kill people, Izuku smiled. Oh the pure joy he felt knowing that two of his least favorite people were in one room. This made the greenette's job much easier. What is that popular saying again? Oh right, killing two birds with one stone.

Izuku decided that if he's going to make a scene with these dudes, he might as well get everyone's attention now. This will also give Eraserhead some time to breather. Plus, it would just make everything more dramatic, and who doesn't love drama?

Izuku cleared his throat and gave an exceptionally loud gasp to draw all attention towards himself. It worked well.

"NO WAY! WHAT IS THIS I SEE?" Izuku exclaimed while staring directly at Yamamoto and the man who had run him over and stole his wallet. "TWO PAIRS OF KNEECAPS AT THE LOWLY PRICE OF MY FUCKING VENGEANCE!" By now all the fighting had stopped and everyone's eyes focused on Izuku as he began to make his way down the stairs.

"Eek! What are you doing here?" The man who had hit Izuku with his car asked, backing up.

"You know, I don't know why I'm here either—but I'm glad I came!" Izuku laughed, not afraid to show his psychotic side. "If I hadn't come, I would have had a much more difficult time finding you two."

"You're supposed to be dead! Or did you kill Inko?!" Yamamoto growled while he grabbed a pistol and cocked it.

"They found traces of LSD in her blood. For the last couple of months, you've been driving her into insanity! And so, you will pay with your fucking kneecaps and maybe an eye while we're here! They do say, 'an eye for an eye' don't they?"

"Izuku, get back now!" Aizawa was not up for this. He didn't care if the kid was supposedly immortal. No one had a clue how far his quirk could go and AIzawa wasn't willing to take any chances.

"Sorry teach, but it looks like Karma isn't doing her job right. So, I'll just have to fill in for her today." The greenette's eye never left the two men as he talked.

"Take a step closer and you'll get a bullet to the head." Yamamoto growled as he held the gun up.

"Oh my! Are you threatening me? It's kind of sad, really. You have to threaten a child because he's getting a tad too close." Izuku sighed. "How pathetic."

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