Meet class 1-A

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Why? Just why? Why did he decide to do this? Who in their right mind would decide to give up their freedom as a mental suicidal teenager, to join a hero class full of preppy stereotypical high schoolers?

Izuku took one look—with his good eye—at the group of students in front of the school bus (all of whom were laughing and yelling) before turning around in an attempt to escape. But his efforts were fruitless because of a hobo's scarf that wrapped around his waist and began dragging him towards the group of students.

"If I have to deal with them, then you do too." Aizawa states to the greenette. Izuku let out a groan and fell to the ground. He simply let Aizawa drag him through the dirt to his certain doom.

Izuku could tell when the students saw them because they all fell silent in sync. It was quiet for a few minutes as all the students were trying to figure out what to ask.

"Mr Aizawa?" A female voice asked. "Is that a dead person?"

"I wish," Izuku said, with his face still in the dirt. There was another second of silence before the chaos started. There were two voices yelling at him, one of which was the familiar voice of his childhood friend and the other coming from a boy with blue hair and glasses—who was flinging around his hands aggressively.

"DEKU! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE, YOU USELESS BASTARD?!" Bakugo lifted Izuku off the ground by the collar of his shirt.

"Bakugo, please refrain from swearing! And who are you and why were you lying in the first?! This is hardly proper manners at all!"

"Well, if you guys can get the dog to calm down, I'll introduce myself." Izuku sighed while pulling himself out of Bakugo's grip and brushing himself off.


"I called you a dog. You know, D, O, G—dog. As in a bitch." Maybe that was a stupid thing to say, but at least it got a couple of laughs from the students.

"OH! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S A BITCH! BY THE TIME I'M DONE WITH YOU, YOU'LL BE HOWLING IN PAIN!" Bakugo let explosions fly freely from his hands.

"Haha, that's pretty kinky, Kacchan." Izuku laughed while wiggling his eyebrows. The blushing Bakugo was pissed off and showed it by lunging at Izuku—who was thankfully quick enough to dodge the rabid animal. He didn't really feel like dying at the moment.

"Kacchan, is that really how you greet an old friend?" Izuku asked while dodging another attack from the angry blonde.

"HAH—LIKE I'D EVER CALL YOU A FRIEND!" He attempted to send a fist at Izuku's face again, but was only met with air.

"Oof—well you didn't have to go that far. You've wounded my ego beyond repair." Izuku responded in a completely emotionless voice.

"YOU LITTLE—" Bakugo was cut off by a white scarf wrapping around his mouth.

"Okay everyone, please quiet down so my headache doesn't turn into a migraine." The class immediately shut up. Izuku had to applaud Eraserhead for being able to keep his students under control. "Now, everyone onto the bus. We can do introductions there." The students obliged in silence.

The peaceful silence didn't last long. As soon as everyone was seated ,the flow of questions began.

"Why are you here?"

"What's your name?"

"Where did you get that manly scar?"

"Are you blind in your left eye?"

"What's your quirk?"

"Are you a girl? Cause your hips are hot!"

"How do you know Bakugo?"

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