Flying Sausages are Warning Signs for Red Flags

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Okay, so his coat wasn't fire resistant. That's fine, if he weren't trying to save the outfit underneath.

"Sooooo what's going on here Midoriya?" The class of bastards stared at the green haired child.

Who, arguably, should probably be receiving treatment from Recovery Girl rather than sitting with them in the room.

He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he looked away from them. "It was supposed to be a surprise but then I got surprised instead."

The class then looked over at Todoroki, who had his head buried in his face. He was totally fine, except for the fact he was still beet red.

"Not that I'm complaining, but now I have to use some magic to keep the audience interested," Izuku grumbled, pouting.

'No . . . This is interesting enough.' The class thought, trying to remain calm while ignoring the exposed skin caused by the cheerleading outfit.

'Oh god.'

Izuku uncrossed his legs, which made the skirt barely cover some important parts.

'Surely he has shorts on . . ?'

Nope. He did not. And was that thigh belts . . ?

Uraraka took it upon herself to hand out tissues to people covering their noses before stuffing two pieces up each nostril herself. Seriously, this was way too dangerous.

Bakugo was the only one who hadn't stuffed anything in his nose. Which wasn't totally surprising, except for the fact his ears where red and he was looking at his phone upside down.

'. . . He's so obvious.' Uraraka sighed to herself. Forget competing in future rounds, can they even get past this damn break interval?

Izuku glanced outside the window, his eyebrows raising at the match up. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu. 'They're obviously twins. Is this the so called doppelgänger?'

As the match started, Clifford and Titanium Shark were pretty much evenly matched. However, Kirishima managed to push through and slammed Tetsutetsu's hand down on the stone. The poor stone cracked under the force.

'It looks a little pitiful.' Izuku hummed as a show of manly sportsmanship multiplied to the second power was displayed. 'Huh. There is light left in this forsaken world.'

"AND KIRISHIMA WINS!! How marvelous of a tiebreaker! We have all of our contenders for the second round! Speaking of which, shall we start soon?"

Todoroki got up, avoiding Izuku like the plague as he made his way to the door. So it probably meant Todoroki was the next person to fight, and the first to compete in the second round.

Izuku was looking forward to this match. Because, if his calculations were correct, then that would mean Hitoshi was his opponent. Although the green haired boy regrettably didn't get to see his first fight due to some unavoidable circumstances (being a little shit), he was excited to learn his hot insomniac lilac was making good use of his opportunities.

Sure enough, after the break was complete—Izuku saw Todoroki on one side of the arena and Hitoshi on the other. Todoroki looked conflicted just as much as Hitoshi looked nervous.

And then Izuku decided it would be a good idea to make his presence known in front of the two people who would probably like to not see him the most (besides Bakugo, but he's a little...special).

So, Izuku decided to climb into the vent above him. After gracefully climbing a chair and somehow breaking into the vent, he wiggled his way in the slightly cramped space.

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