Bing Bong Bet

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Izuku moved, two timing people while collecting bets. Some he would deliberately try to seduce them so they'd join his strip club and others he'd scam people to place more money on their selected student. All in all, he was making money.

"That's another one for Todoroki . . ." He muttered, sliding his finger's across a general studies student's hand as he took the packet of money. He looked into the girl's eyes, titling his head with a soft smile that said, 'I'm very innocent, nice and I have glitters and rainbows so believe me and make me profit.' "Hopefully your bets are placed correctly."

The girl practically had a jet pack stream of blood coming from her nose as she flew back into the blushing students behind her. The people around her helped her up—'oh, wait, no that's not helping.' Izuku thought as he backed away from the people who were now using her as a stepping stool to get closer to the greenette.

He turned away from the savages and called out to his totally willing partner in crime, "How's it going over there, Midnight?"

The older woman turned to him, dodging a few lingering hands as she shot him a look that said, 'I wish I never made a truce with you.' "Why are we setting up a human auction ring?"

Izuku let out an offended gasp, dramatically putting a hand on his chest, "It is not a human trafficking ring. It's a large scale bet on students!"

"That's a roundabout name," Midnight snatched the last stack of cash from her row and walked towards Izuku in a way that left people staring after her.

Midnight's eyes narrowed as she saw Izuku stop and stare at her with his lips pursed. A hand was on his hip and his fingers holding his chin. She stopped in front of him holding out the money cautiously.

"Midnight . . ." Izuku's fingers slipped over the money before grabbing her hand and yanking them closer. "Be a part of my strip club."

Despite being shocked out of her soul, something sparked in her at the bold action. Her lips parted and her tongue swept across her bottom lip. She leaned forward, "Not a bad idea."

Izuku smiled, ripped the money from her and walked away with a, "You'll be getting these thrown at you later when you join, anyways."

Midnight chuckled before realizing something, 'Am I bipolar?'

As Midnight was debating her whole life, Izuku completed the large board that he got from thin air and placed all the bets where they belonged. He turned to the screen, seeing the majority of the students finally catch up to the second obstacle.

"Since the first obstacle was a piece of cake, what do you think about the second?" Present Mic taunted. "You fall and you're out! If you don't like that idea then crawl! It's the Fall!!" The blonde radio drug the word out dramatically.

Izuku looked to the screen with an offended gasp, "Is this why you didn't let me participate? Because I would make myself jump off to my death??"

Midnight, done with her midlife crisis, moved over to stand by him next to the screen. "You didn't even want to participate in the first place."

"True," Izuku nodded. "But I could have found a way to die so many times within the last ten minutes!"

The heroine looked at the greenette weirdly, "It's only been five . . ?"

"Oh," Izuku's smile looked a bit weird. "Haha, it's not like I tried to die while you weren't looking or anything."

Midnight shook her head, ignoring the 'I'm innocent and telling the truth' whistle Izuku was doing. She looked back towards the screen, paying attention as elite frog cultist leader, Tsuyu Asui, used the ropes as glorified tight ropes.

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