And He's Just a Tape Dispenser!

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"Wow~" The whole arena gave birth to tiny arena rubble. Izuku shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth and put on some sunglasses.

"It seems like Bakugo blew up the ground?! What is he doing??" Present Mic commented enthusiastically. Izuku sort of agreed on his question.

'This would give Uraraka and advantage . . . Is he powering his way through?' Izuku munched on his lil snacky while thinking. It was plausible that he planned to tire her out, and simply use his overwhelming raw power to the fullest.

At the same time, Uraraka could use diversion tactics, and wear him down enough to get in at least one touch. It would be just enough to send him floating out of bounds.

It was a test of endurance, stamina, and strategy. Both of them could win by a single thing going haywire, or something going better than expected.

Izuku hummed, throwing on sunglasses to protect himself from staring at bright people who cause bright explosions. Well, there actually is this one really bright person over in the crowd that's blinding him, but that's not the point.

'As much as I love the homie, Kacchan is going to win.' The green haired child made an early prediction. The truth of the matter was, Bakugo was nearly better in every way; whether it be an offensive and powerful quirk, and muscled body, a heavy mind for battle, or even something bc as simple as never underestimating his opponents.

As expected, Uraraka used the broken terrain to her advantage, floating up pieces and even using her jacket to create a diversion. She hid in Bakugo's blind spot, running out with her hand outstretched.

"Gravity Girl has created a diversion!! Will she be able to use her quirk??" Present Mic's voice rose with the tension.

But Bakugo easily dodged and blasted her away. She fell backwards, and the cycle repeated. Uraraka would charge towards him and Bakugo would blast her away, creating more rubble.

'What a smart cookie.' Izuku set down his popcorn and started moving to a new destination. 'If this goes how I think it's going to go, I better help out the situation.'

Soon, the squirrel was huffing, struggling to make sure she stood standing. She looked pitiful, like a beat down squirrel. All roughed up and never even gaining an inch despite her hard work. Compared to her, Bakugo was pristine.

The crowd began its uproar.

"Isn't this a little unfair?"

"She's just a girl go easy on her!"

"You have no right to be doing this!"

And more complaints from uneducated swine. Izuku clicked his tongue, and when Present Mic even opened his mouth to voice his doubts, the OG homeless daddy stepped in.

The pro hero and commentator, owner of his own radio with three jobs; had an uneasy tone in his voice. And it sounded like he was struggling to see the whole situation. "Ah, this is really . . ."

"All of you should just retire if you're this blind." Aizawa spoke up for the first time. He leaned into the microphone, his voice gruff and uncompromising. "Take a good look at the field."

The crowd quieted, and Izuku was finally able to open the vent and plop unceremoniously onto the floor in the broadcasting room. THUD.

Present Mic and Aizawa both turned back, the blonde's mouth open and the scruffy man was deadpanning the green haired child.

"Um." Present Mic stated smartly. "When did we have a vent here?"

Aizawa shrugged, "Don't know, don't care."

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