Chapter 3 - Classroom Switch

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Dear god John was beautiful. I spend all morning thinking about him.

i picture him in my minds eye, I remember how he talks - a raspy southern drawl, every now and then biting his lip, how his nose scrunched up when he mentioned a student he hates, how his catlike, nordic, chestnut eyes glinted in the early morning sunlight. The mere thought creates a jolting sensation in my stomach.

As I plop my rucksack down in class I take the opportunity to scan the room. I notice a group of three boys. One in particular is staring right at me, he is wearing a magenta shirt, the top button undone and he has a magnificent afro. He is actually rather attractive if you take away the stern scowl he is throwing in my direction. I assume he is Thomas Jefferson from Lafayette and Hercule's description. He saunters up to my desk and raises an eyebrow.

"and who are you?" He glares
"Alexander Hamilton" I extend a hand which he ignores
"Well Hamilton, I hope you're up to scratch. This class isn't a breeze you do realise"
"I know, thank you Jefferson"
"How do you know my name?" He looks taken aback
"I'm smarter than you think Thomas"
"We'll see about that Hamilton" he frowns before sitting back in his seat.

Man, Lafayette and Hercules were right. he's a complete dickhead. I'm just pulling my textbook out my bag when a tall, kind looking, middle aged man walks in.
"Good morning class" he smiles warmly "as you all know we have a new student, mr Hamilton"
I blush furiously as everyone stares at me, Jefferson sniggering at my clear uncomfort
"I'm mr Washington. So in today's lesson..."

I hurriedly write down all the notes as he talks - I don't want to miss out on more than I already have. The lesson ticks by with carefree ease until Jefferson spits his chewing gum into my hair whilst mr Washington has his back turned. I pull a disgruntled face as I pick the sticky substance from each strand meanwhile Thomas howls with laughter.
"Please keep it down mr Jefferson, madison, burr" mr Washington glances at the group.

As soon as he finishes his lecture he says something about presentations the class has been working on.
"They're just showing what they've done so far" he says to me quietly so everyone else can't hear "so you can either watch or go into another room and get a head start on the essay" he smiles. I look around the room at Jefferson and his cronies and my mind is quickly made up.
"Could I get a head start on the essay?"
"Of course son" I flinch at the word son "just pop into the class next door and say I sent you in there"

I take a deep breath as I open the mahogany door, at once I notice the white board is coated in drawings of the anatomy of sea creatures, with the title marine biology. Why does that ring a bell...?

"Hello?" A short woman with a round face and a kindhearted smile asks
"Sorry... um mr Washington sent me in here to finish an essay?"
"Oh of course don't worry... there's a spare seat next to mr laurens" she points to a seat near the back.


Well this turned out better than expected.

I perch apprehensively on the seat, trying to hide the ugly shade of vermilion my face is turning.
"Didn't expect to see you so soon again" he laughs whilst the class chatters
"No I suppose not" I chuckle. God he's gorgeous. "You'll never guess who I met"
"Who?" He grins, his perfect pearly teeth beaming at me
"Thomass Jeffershit"
At my nickname John actually snorts, making me blush with pride.
"That's the best thing I've ever heard" he gasps, scrunching his eyes up in laughter.
"He's such a bitch" I laugh
"Mr Hamilton, Mr Laurens, please keep it down"
At this John smirks at me, and I realise god he's not just gorgeous, he's hot aswell. I begin to write my essay when I hear a scribbling next to me. I peak over at John's work and notice he's doodling. He's doodling a boy. I keep watching as he adds more details, like thick black hair, wide eyes, and lips with a slight pout and then I realise... he's drawing me.
"That's incredible" I whisper in awe making him slam his textbook shut. His freckled skin turns beetroot red.
"I- I um yes thank you"
"You are very talented John" I smile
"Thank you Alexander"

There's a moment where we both just stare at each other, like there's an invisible rod of understanding between us.

"Class dismissed" the teacher calls from the front making me sigh. I don't want to leave John at all, he's already had such an impact on me and I barely know him.
"Do you want to meet up some time?" I ask apprehensively
"Yes!" He exclaims "yes I'd love to-" then his face contorts into disappointment "actually I don't think I can... I'd love to... but I don't know"
"It's okay don't worry" I mumble trying to hide my embarrassment.

Shit. I think to myself as I walk back to my dorm. He really doesn't like me.

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