Chapter 11 - The Surprise

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Trigger warning: homophobia, f slur
"Laf are you sure this is alright?" I mutter anxiously as I flatten my maroon sweater.
"It's ze perfect outfit mon ami, but whatever you wear Alexander will love"
"Thank you" I grin
"You excited for your date?"
"So excited" I smile as I reread the text Alex sent me, anticipation shivering up my spine.

Non stop<3 : meet me at the front gate at 6, got a surprise for you angel x

I wonder what it could be. Maybe a dinner reservation? Or some flowers? Or maybe he's had a hair cut... oh god I hope he hasn't had a hair cut. My eyes fall to the notifications underneath the ones from Alex and my heart doesn't just sink, it plummets. They are the ones from my father.

Dad: John, you missed your treatment this month, I can't cure you if you don't show up.
Dad: You are disgusting, do you have no self respect?
Dad: Faggot.
Dad: As much as I hate to admit it, you are my son. Come home tonight, I'll cure you.

They make my stomach turn but instead of responding I simply turn my phone off. 5  minutes to 6. I better go meet my Prince Charming.
"Use protection!" Lafayette cries as I leave the dorm, making me stick my tongue out and my middle finger up at him. My friends are such idiots, but I love them so much.

As I step outside I almost instantly make eye contact with Alex, it makes my heart skip a beat. He's wearing his hair down for a change, waves of raven black perfection encase his face like a lions mane, he looks so serene, so beautiful. I notice he's holding something behind his back, spiking intrigue in me. Maybe it's the surprise.

"You look gorgeous" he smiles up at me. I'm glad it's dim light so he can't see the ugly crimson, blotchy colour my skin has turned.
"Not too bad yourself. you said you had a surprise?"
"Yes" he pulls a cardboard box out from behind his back and holds it out to me "for you"
"For me?" My heart swells with love as he passes me it "you got me a present?"
"It's the least I could do" he beams, looking expectantly at the box.

I open it tentatively and instantly the air is knocked clean out from me, it takes all I have not to drop the present in surprise. Sat curled up in snuggly corner, it's shining shell covering everything except a dainty little head is a turtle. An actual turtle.
"Meet Anthony" he grins
"Alex..." I'm lost for words
"Do you... do you like him?"
I engulf Alexander in a kiss, pressing my lips against his, every ounce of my heart belongs to him.
"Alex I love him, thank you so much"
"We better get him in his tank" he smiles, stroking Anthony's shell "I've hid it under my bed"
"You hid it under your bed?"
"Where else could I put it?" He laughs as I kiss the top of his head. He's so perfect.

Back in the dorm lafayette and i coo over Anthony as Alex and herc set up his tank. What did I do to deserve such an incredible boyfriend? How the hell did I get so lucky?

"Finished!" Alex cries wiping the sweat from forehead. I plop Anthony in and watch as he merrily swims around as Alex kisses my cheek lightly.
"You happy?" He asks
"The happiest I've ever been"
"I know I ruined our date night, I'm sorry"
"Ruined it? You made it the best day of my life, besides meeting you of course"
"Want to order pizza?"
"Pizza sounds awesome"

Super short chapter I'm sorry, it's sort of setting up for the next one <3

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