Chapter 27 - The World Turned Upside Down

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I wake up to the faint chatter of seagulls outside the bedroom window on the last day of our spring break holiday. It's unbelievable that tomorrow I'll have lessons with jefferson and madison again, god I wish I could stay here. John is humming a traditional South Carolina song as he packs away his suitcase, folding his socks carefully like the angel he is.
"Feeling better?" He grins cheekily, his signature eye crinkles appearing with a reassuring familiarity.
"Much better thank you" i smile rubbing the eye dust from the corners of my ducts "will you come give me a morning kiss?" I look at him innocently.
"I could never turn down such a wonderful offer" he saunters over and pecks at my lips so gently, I can only just feel it but it's enough to send shivers up my spine.
"Guess what" He mumbles against the skin on my neck as he kisses softly
"What?" I giggle
"I love you"
I squeal as he tickles me mercilessly under my ribs.
"What time is it?" I grin as he lies next to me, panting from the tickle fight "wait never mind I'll check my pocket watch-"

As I go to grab the golden time piece on my bedside table, my hands grasp nothing but air. Odd. I turn on my side to see a bare desk. Nothing except a sky blue lamp sits delicately alone.
"Where's my watch?" I start to feel panic rising in my chest.
"Maybe it's fell under the bed" John strokes my hair calmingly
"No it's not" i snap, as a wave of hot anxiety rushing through my body.
"Don't worry lex, it wont be far" he jumps off the bed and starts looking with me.
"It's not here john" I mumble, "I put it on the table last night, I remember"
"We will find it, don't worry" he soothes in futile he tries to calm me down.
"Well I am worried john! I'm fucking worried! That's my mother and father's watch! And Ive lost it within 12 hours of being given it!"

I watch as john's face contorts in fear as I yell, his calm exterior flickering to show his inner terror.

I've reminded him of Charles.

"Oh john I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout, I'm just super stressed"
He takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes before answering "let's get looking then" he smiles like it never happened.

"Hey laf, herc, have you seen lex's pocket watch?" John asks as we come into the living room after searching high and low in the bed room.
"No I haven't mon ami, my military jacket is missing too"
"And my record player, but I must of left it in your room. let's spread out and look for them all" herc gets to his feet from a comfy leather recliner.
"Thank you" i smile weakly "where is dad?"
"He's just gone to ze shops, said he would be back by lunch" lafayette mutters as he checks under the sofa.
"I hope we find them before he arrives back" I mumble, my eyes subconsciously scanning the room for any sign of a flickering golden watch.
"We will lex, we will" john squeezes my shoulder.

Hours pass with no luck, every second that passes ramps up my nerves further.
"Are you... are you certain your father doesn't have them?" Hercules scratches the back of his head awkwardly.
"What do you mean?" I can feel anger bubbling inside me, knowing full well what was meant.
"Maybe he has taken them with him for safe keeping" lafayette shrugs, not picking up on my change of tone.
"You mean maybe he's stolen it" I practically growl.
"No, mon ami, that's not what-"
"You're wrong! He wouldn't do this to me!"
"We're not saying he would-"
"His past doesn't define him!"

I storm out the room, fists clenched, tears burning at my eyes. I cant believe they'd think this of my father, the man who's been so kind to them all week. He wouldn't take my pocket watch or Hercules' record player or Lafayette's vintage military jacket. He just wouldn't. At least john believes he didn't do it, i can always count on him.

"Hey" John creaks open the door, sheepishly looking at me with those beautiful cat like eyes.
"Hey" I sigh running my hands through my hair
"You okay?" He perches next to me on the bed
"Except for laf and herc thinking my father's a criminal?" I put my head in my hands
"I know it's hard to believe lex but... do you know for certain he didn't?"

I sit bolt up right.

He didn't just say that... did he?

My heart booms inside my rib cage.

A single tear drips down my face.

"You think he did it aswell don't you"

Fires courses through my veins, I thought John would stand by my side no matter what.
"No I'm not saying that Alex-"
"Get out" I mutter
"Please, I want to be alone Laurens"
"Lex, please just think rationally-"
"I am thinking rationally. It's you who's not"
"We could just maybe ask him when he gets back-"
"Laurens. I mean it. Leave"

It breaks my heart as john's eyes fill up with salty tears before leaving the room.

My father wouldn't do this. I know he wouldn't.

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