Chapter 24 - Spring Break

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"dad's just texted" I grin, a familiar warmth runs up my spine as I stare at my phone.

Pops: hey son, Ive just booked a beach house for the spring break and was wondering if you, John and a couple of friends wanted to stay here for a bit? Totally cool if you don't want to :)

"Hey John!" I squeal excitedly, grabbing his hand "my dad's invited us to stay with him at a beach house, do you wanna come?"
"That sounds amazing!" John looks equally thrilled at the prospect "I'm so glad this is all working out between you and your dad alex, it makes me so happy to see you happy"
"I love you so much john" I beam, kissing him on the nose before texting the boys group chat.

A.ham: heyy laf, herc do you wanna come to a beach house with me, John and my dad for spring break??
French_fry: OMFG YES PLEASE!! MERCI MERCI!! What about you mon amour? YES. WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT YES. I already can't wait. Thank you so much alex AHHHH!!

"This is gonna be the best" I smile as John holds me close to his warm chest.

The remainder of the week flies by in a whirlwind of kisses with john, glares at jefferson and piles of extra coursework I insist on completing.

The first morning of spring break I hurriedly stuff every last woolly sock, pen, knitted jumper and text book into my rucksack ready to go for the holidays, being careful with the noise i'm making as John, Lafayette and Hercules aren't awake yet. I slip on my battered black converse and and my emerald green corduroy jacket as thoughts of the week ahead hammer my tired yet completely excited brain. Spending time with not only the love of my life and best friends but my father.

Life is pretty good.

"Don't forget to pack swim trunks" John giggles sleepily as he rubs his eyes.
"Oh I wasn't planning swimming" I laugh as I peel the sheets off him, earning a grumble from my boyfriend.
"Is it because of... the... the hurricane?"
"Partly" I say honestly, trying my best to push away negative thoughts "but also because..."
"Because what?" John props his face on his hand in concern.
"I'm not telling you, it's embarrassing" I laugh putting my face in my hands.
"Aww cmon you can tell me. If it's that your scared your pee will turn purple in the ocean don't worry, that's only swimming pools." He chuckles trying to coax me from my hiding spot.
"I am absolutely not telling you" I laugh as he pulls me on to his lap kissing my neck as he giggles into my skin.
"Pleaaaase tell me lex" he grins as he tickles me under my left rib, my weakness.
"I CAN'T SWIM!" I half cry half laugh "I CANNOT SWIM! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT TICKLE ME" he pulls away and tilts his head like a curious blackbird.
"You can't swim? Why are you embarrassed of that? That's nothing to be ashamed of angel" he kisses my cheek gently.
"Are you joking?" I chuckle nuzzling myself into his chest "everyone can swim except me"
"Well I could teach you if you like"
"Really?!" I exclaim "thank you, thank you, thank you!" I cry kissing him all over his face.
"my pleasure" he laughs, snaking his arms around my waist.
"Now cmon lazy bones" I grin, jumping to my feet "time to rise and shine"
"Lex we have 2 hours till we leave" he groans shoving his head into his pillow.
"Fine you can have five more minutes, but only because it's you"

Next thing I know me, John, laf and herc are racing for the taxi, only seconds to spare, our resident Frenchman only wearing one converse. We just make it in time and an hour later we pull up outside a beautiful azure coloured beach house.
"Zis is stunning!" Lafayette cries as Hercules wraps a strong arm around his shoulder.
"Hey come on in!" my dad waves from the front door.

The house is gorgeous. Every room screams the seaside, wether it's the bay windows or the steering wheel of a boat hanging on the wall. There's even paintings of marine sea life, John will absolutely love it.
"Do you like it son?" My father looks at me sheepishly,
"Its absolutely perfect" I mumble still gawping at the high ceilings and the incredible view from the window. My father's face instantly contorts in happiness - he has exactly the same eye wrinkles I do when I grin.
"That's brilliant" he sighs in relief, "Alexander and John your room is second down the corridor, Hercules and Lafayette, yours is just next door"
"Thank you so much again for having us sir" Hercules extends a hand.
"Please, call me james" my father shakes it enthusiastically.

This is just going to be incredible.

So sorry for the wait on this chapter, my course work really said 'wtf woman why is there 56 of us'

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