Chapter 4 - Black Eye

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Trigger warning: domestic violence
I can't have feelings for another boy when I have a boyfriend. I simply can't. I barely even know Alexander. For all I know he hasn't thought about me once. I slump on my bed waiting for Charles to arrive back and then after about 10 minutes... he does.

"What's wrong John?" He scowls as my expression
"Nothing. How was your day?"
"Shit. Mr Franklin failed me on my assignment"
"Sorry to hear that" I mumble trying to hide my phone under my pillow, hopefully he won't take it off me tonight.
"What are you doing?" He hisses lunging towards me, I dry to dodge but he grabs it before I can get away.
"You little bitch." My heart pounds inside my rib cage as he unlocks my phone "what the actual fuck. "Nice seeing you today, we missed you" from Lafayette" he grabs my sleeve, rage fuelling every movement "you went to see them didn't you"
"N-no I bumped into them" i stammer, tears forming in the corners of my eyes
"LIAR!" He screams, slapping me across the face, leaving a stinging red mark.
"N-no I promise Charles" i sob, cowering away from him, clutching my burning skin.
"STOP LYING TO ME!" His fist collides with my eye, throbbing pain shoots through my face, like a thousand wasps stinging at my optical nerve. He grabs the collar of my shirt, nipping my skin between his nails making me cry in agony.
"If you ever meet up with them again, I won't be so understanding John. Understand?"
I stare at him through a glassy eye, the other one shut tight in pain, I squirm as his nails dig deeper.
"Y-yes, I'm sorry C-charles"

As the evening draws in, Charles declares that he's going to Samuel seabury's dorm, locking our door before leaving. I curl up in a ball and begin to sob, clutching my aching eye. I'll never escape him, I'll never get to see Alexander again. Trepidatious thoughts trickle into my mind until I fall into a fitful sleep, my dreams filled with images of firey anger and sadness.

The next morning i feel in slightly better spirits as I decide to head to the library, I have an essay due soon and I won't concentrate in the dorm. Charles tells me if I meet up with Lafayette and Hercules he'll give me another black eye.

And they say romance is dead.

As I walk to the library I catch my reflection in a window. A heavy, deep purple and blue bruise covers my swollen eye, it's so ugly I think to myself. People are bound to ask questions. Sighing, I pull some of my curls out of my ponytail to cover it up as best as I can before entering. I don't want anyone to find out, I don't want to trouble anyone.

My heart catches in my throat as I notice Alexander sat in the window seat, his converse balanced on the table whilst he reads common sense by Thomas Paine. I hide behind a bookshelf and spy on him as subtly as possible through a gap in the fantasy novels. He's so beautiful. Maybe if I could get a better look... I lean forwards a little too carelessly and send the whole Harry Potter franchise flying to the floor with a thud. Alexander practically jumps out of his skin before grinning and helping me pick them up.
"Sorry, I'm such a klutz" I laugh, blushing as I wildly scramble to collect the chamber of secrets.
"One time I dropped a 300 dollar vase, trust me, I'm the ultimate klutz" he chuckles, god he makes me happy so effortlessly.
"We can be clumsy together" I chuckle
"Wanna sit next to me?" He asks putting the deathly hallows back on the shelf
"I would love to"

"Angelica said I should read this" he grins as I sit down, wafting common sense in the air.
"You've met angie?"
"Yeah! She seems pretty cool, are you friends with her?"
"Yes, I love her and her sisters, Eliza and Peggy"
"I'll have to meet them sometime. This book is actually pretty good. What's your favourite book?"
"Lin Manuel Miranda by Ron chernow" I mumble quietly hoping he wouldn't hear, I don't want to scare him off due to my obsession with the founding fathers. I've already watched Miranda: an American musical about a thousand times.
"I LOVE LIN MANUEL MIRANDA!" He screeches making everyone turn in the library
"Really?" I grin
"I love him, have you seen the musical?"
"I know every song" I laugh throwing my head back. In that moment the curls fall off my eye, exposing the bruise making Alex yelp.


"J-John your eye" he mutters, tears forming in his ducts. He extends a shaking hand and cups the sore side of my face, i flinch at first before I relax into his soft hand.
"Who did this John?" He whispers
"N-Nobody I walked into a door" I stumble for excuses, a single tear dripping down my face.
"Okay okay" he mumbles wiping my tear away with his thumb, he definitely doesn't believe me but is too polite to say so. "Anyone who does this to you is a monster"
My lip quivers "I-it was a door"
"Shh shh I know, I know" he strokes the bruise with such care and attentiveness.
"I need to go" I sniff pulling away defensively. If Charles found out he'd not just hurt me, he'd hurt Alex.

I grab my rucksack and race out the library.

I can't see Alexander again.

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