Chapter 29 - Calm Before The Storm

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I tap my foot nervously as I wait on the beach for Alex to arrive. I check his pocket watch, 5:57. The amount of trouble and pain this tiny watch has caused is unbelievable. And it's yet to cause even more. How do you tell the love of your life his father is a scumbag? How do you break their heart without knowing how to put it back together again?

"Hey John" his unusually soft voice snaps me out of my spiralling thoughts, he looks so stunning as the light of the sunset illuminates all his beautiful features.
"My pocket watch!" He cries, his face lighting up as his violet eyes lock on my hands "oh John I can't thank you enough!" He launches himself into my arms, snuggling into my chest
"Alex there's something I need to tell you"
"Wait I need to tell you something as well" he pulls away, his eyes shining with joy. I can't take away his happiness just yet.
"You first" i smile gently, moving a wisp of his hair from his face.
"Dad's gonna be moving to New York so he can be closer to me at college and, and he wants to take me to lunch every Saturday and- John are you okay?"

Before I realise it tears are streaming down my face, my eyes burning as they fight to pull them self together. I have no right to cry over this, but I can't help myself. I can't bare to listen to the lies his father has told him, it's just awful.

He presses his lips against mine, silencing my gasping sobs. My heart beat slows as his soft lips transport me to a happier place. He pulls away from me, kissing my tears gently.
"Now what's wrong-"
"Alex your dad sold the watch and the jacket and the record player to some really cute old lady in an antique shop in town and he is stupid and I'm sorry but I have to tell you and the lady has this really comforting southern drawl and I realise now that I'm just talking for the sake of talking because I'm scared that if I stop talking you'll be upset which I totally get and I'm sorry and I am just rambling at this point but I've got to the point where I can't stop and it's sort of involuntary and I'm kinda just word vomiting all over you-"
"My... my dad sold the watch?"
"Yes" I bite my lip with nerves
"And you're certain it was him?"
"Shit" he mumbles running his hand through his hair, unusually taking this extraordinarily well. Is this the calm before the storm?
"Oh lex I'm so sorry"
"Don't be" he kisses my cheek gently, his lip trembling "thank you for telling me baby"
I watch as his eyes fill with glassy tears.
"Come here" I open my arms, my heart shattering as his little sobs tear me apart.
"I thought he loved me" he cries
"He does lex, he's an idiot - an utter idiot, but he loves you"
"I've gotta talk to him" he sniffs
"I love you"
"I love you too John, please don't ever leave me"
"As if I could ever idiot"

IM SORRY FOR THE DELAY POSTING<3 I've had exams all week but now I'm back and posting like normal hehe thank you for bearing with me lmao

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