Chapter 15 - May The Best Man Win

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"I'll see you later" I mumble, kissing Alex on the lips gently. It feels so good to have him back, as if I could stay mad at those beautiful ocean eyes.
"You going to art class?" He smiles up at me before turning back to his laptop,
"Sure am. More paintings of turtles" I grin,
"Anthony will be proud of his mum"
"If I'm the mother, are you the father?" I chuckle braiding his hair subconsciously,
"Fathers suck. Let's both be mothers"
I mumble in agreement before turning on my heels to leave, slightly intrigued by his strong hatred towards fathers.
"See you in a bit angel!" He cries, blowing a kiss.

As I reach my class I notice a recognisable, tall boy wearing his signature magenta dress shirt, art pad tucked under his arm. Jefferson.
"Laurens!" He smiles as if we're best friends.
"I didn't know you took art" I raise an eyebrow as I walk towards him,
"Thought I'd try something new" he shrugs
"Right..." I mumble trying to get away, Jefferson and my friendship group don't exactly have a good track record.
"John, I know haven't always seen eye to eye and I'm sorry I've not always been the nicest to y'all but I'd love to start over" he extends a hand. In complete shock, I stare gormlessly at him before shaking it apprehensively.
"That's... that's brilliant" I smile, maybe there is hope for everyone after all
"Just so you know I really like Alexander" he states making me choke. He what?!
I was wrong. He's a a total and utter fucking bitch.
"Y-you what?" I gasp like a bucket of ice cold water has been tipper over my head.
"I absolutely adore Alex. It should be me with him" he says so casually it's as if he said it was nice weather outside.
"You don't need to worry. He sees me as nothing more than an annoying prick."
"Does... does he know how you feel?" My brain is whirring, trying to process the information.
"He knows I have a thing for him but he turned me down brutally" secretly I feel a pang of pride for my boyfriend. "I know you're a good person John but when it comes to Alexander... At the end of the day I want to be with him"
"But he's my boyfriend Jefferson"
"May the best man win" he shrugs before entering the room, leaving me completely dumbfounded. That didn't just happen... did it?

All the way through art class my mind drifts from my canvas. What if Alex falls for him? I don't have Jefferson's charisma or his straightforwardness or an outrageously perfect afro. No. I think to myself. Alex would never do that to me. He may be hot headed as fuck but he's not a cheat.

"Are you alright mr laurens?" My art teacher asks me with a concerning look at my almost blank canvas after the hour has ended,
"Sorry sir, It's just not... flowing today"
"Artists block?"
"At its finest" I sigh picking my rucksack up "see you tomorrow sir"

My phone pings in my jacket pocket as I walk down the corridor, jolting me out of my  anxious Jefferson-Alex related thoughts.

A lizard: heyooo, do you and lex wanna come hang out tonight with me and the girls? laf and herc have already said yes :3
Me: Sounds brilliant Eliza, want me to bring anything?
A lizard: food. as much of it as you can. peggy has ate all ours *angry noises*
Me: Aw you poor cinnamon roll, ofc I'll empty our cupboards :D

I switch to the chat box with alex.
Me: Ayo angel, wanna hang out at the sisters dorm tonight? X

I grin at my phone like a love struck fool as I wander back to the dorm, just as I get there alex is leaving.
"Fancy seeing you here" I chuckle, linking his arm in mine
"What a coincidence indeed mr laurens" he laughs raspily joining in. By the time we've reached the Schuyler's dorm we sound like an old Victorian couple.
"After you my fine sir" he grins cheekily ushering me forward to the girls room.
"Oh no I insist"
"Are you two coming in or what?" Angelica laughs heartily leaning in the doorway.
"I apologise profoundly Miss Schuyler, it's just I wish that my partner and lover mr laurens would appreciate my gentlemanly offer of him proceeding first"
"Fineee" I laugh ruffling his hair

I plop down on the girl's couch, almost instantly alex snuggles into me like it's the most natural thing in the world. And yet I can't get rid of the niggling thought in my brain. Does Alex like Jefferson?

"Lex can I ask you something?"
"Of course, anything" he grins up at me
"Do you... do you like Jefferson at all?" My heart thuds like a booming drum. It's all good John, he'll say no. Alex thinks Jefferson's awful. Don't worry.
"Yeah he's alright. Been quite nice to me recently. Don't you dare tell him I said so though, I'd never hear the end of it"

One word runs through my mind.


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