Chapter 20 - Torn It All Apart

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"John what's wrong?" I ask as my boyfriend's face turns a ghostly white.
"Alex... did you do this?" He shakes as he turns his phone around.
Almost instantly I clap my hands over my mouth as the air is knocked clean out of me. My profile has posted a nude photo of Eliza, except it wasn't me.
"What the hell?!" I cry getting up "that wasn't me!"
"I didn't think you would" he sighs rubbing his temples "someone must of hacked your account"
I unlock my phone but my Instagram bounces back. Incorrect password for A.ham.
"I bet it was Jefferson" i hiss under my breath, anger fuelling every syllable.
"Now we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Poor Eliza... how on earth did anyone get those photos?"
But his question remains unanswered by a sharp, booming, unrelenting knock at the door.
"Alexander Hamilton you open this door right now!" Angelica cries.
"Mon dieu!" Lafayette exclaims sleepily.
"What the hell is that?" Hercules mumbles waking up.

I walk towards the door and open it tentatively.
"You have invented a new kind of stupid!"
"Angie-" I try to stop her, but there's no cutting her off
"A damage you can never undo kind of stupid! An open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid! Truly you didn't think this through kind of stupid!"
"Angelica it wasn't me!" I exclaim at the same volume as her.
"Don't try that with me!" She practically laughs
"No really angie, he's been hacked, he can't get into his account" John intervenes. Probably for the best. An Angelica Schuyler meet Alexander Hamilton argument is never going to end well.
"Wait, really?" She says beginning to calm down.
"What's happened?" Lafayette inquires, Hercules in tow.
"Someone's posted an indecent photo of Eliza on Instagram" Angelica cries furiously, I can see tears beginning to well up in her eyes "she's devastated."
"We must go to her at once!" Lafayette exclaims in rage
"Yes we all must" I agree
"Alex you can tell her it wasn't you" She mumbles, from the look in her eye I can see she doesn't fully trust me yet.

Angelica opens the door to their dormitory and the sight that meets my eyes breaks my heart in two. Peggy is holding her sister in a tight embrace, rocking Eliza as she wails into her hands. Angelica kneels down in front of her and takes her trembling fingers into her own steady hands.
"It wasn't Alex, someone's hacked his account" she says softly "but what I don't understand is why the photos even exist Liza"
"J-James asked me for them" she sobs "and I-I didn't w-want him to s-stop fancying me s-so when he asked I felt I had to s-say yes"
"Eliza if he truly cares about you, he wouldn't pressure you"
"I thought he liked me..." she whispers so faintly, completely shattered.

This can't go unchallenged.

"How could Hamilton do this?!" I cry refreshing my phone, Eliza still hasn't answered my 20 texts.
"Some people are just born bad" Thomas soothes, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"But Eliza is the kindest human to walk this earth. Why her?"
"That's maybe why he targeted her jemmy"
"That's true... oh I've got to see her, she's still not answered..."

My heart is breaking thinking about the situation. Did Eliza actually send that photo to Hamilton? No, there must be another explanation. I'm just scrolling through my Instagram dms, most of the texts are asking about the situation, until I reach messages with Eliza... ones I didn't send... I clap my hands over my mouth as I read them.

Me: Hey, do you think you could do something for me?
elizabeth_schy: sure anything jemmy x
Me: Do you think you could send me some... photos?
elizabeth_schy: what kind...?
Me: some revealing photos? Xxx
elizabeth_schy: I don't know jemmy...
Me: Please Eliza, you like me don't you? X
elizabeth_schy: of course i do
Me: Then do it. You can trust me x
elizabeth_schy: okay jemmy...
elizabeth_schy: *photo attached*

My hands start to shake as I turn my the screen off. I'd never told Liza I was asexual, but I had never needed to. We just... talked. Someone must have took my phone. But Hamilton would never of had the chance... there's only one person I share a room with who had opportunity...

"Thomas... did you text Eliza?"

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