Chapter 18 - Jefferson Started It!

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I stare at him as his huge caramel eyes scan my face. My heart thuds inside my chest. He's going to break up with me.
"Did you kiss him back?" He raises an eyebrow,
"No!" I exclaim "as soon as I realised I pushed him away!"
"Then Alex you've done nothing wrong. I'm so proud of you" he smiles warmly, brushing the loose hair from out of my face. "Was he a bad kisser?" He laughs, brightening the mood
"The worst" i half laugh, half sniff "like being attacked by an aggressive octopus"
"God he sounds awful. He didn't hurt you at all did he?"
"No, no he didn't" I mumble nuzzling myself into his maroon hoodie. I'm so lucky to have him.
"I'm glad, because if he had I'd kill him"
"You're incredible John"
"You'll always have me" he whispers holding me tightly, "don't you have class in a minute?"
"Shit yes" I kiss him on the lips quickly before grabbing my laptop.
"If Jefferson gives you any crap, text me"
"Thank you, you're amazing. See you later!"

The moment I enter my classroom I lock eyes with Jefferson's death stare.
"Welcome back class" professor Washington smiles "so who's presenting first?"
To my surprise, Aaron burr puts his hand up.
"Might as well get mine out the way" he shrugs
"Very well mr burr. Who's yours on?"
"Alexander" his glances at me, making me sit up straight in my seat.

"Hamilton doesn't hesitate, he exhibits no restraint he takes and he takes and takes. And he keeps winning anyway. Hamilton faces an endless uphill climb. He has something to prove, he has nothing to lose. Hamilton's pace is relentless, he wastes no time. What is it like in his shoes? Also, why do you assume you're the smartest in the room? Soon that attitude may be your doom. Why do you write like you're running out of time? Why don't you wait for it?"
He catches his breath and noticeably avoids my penetrating gaze - it glances off, he obfuscates, he dances. I can feel anger bubbling inside me at his words. Is he stupid?! Waiting for it achieves noting. You get nothing if you wait for it.
"Mr burr-" i scowl as I get to my feet
"-Hamilton sit down son, remember this is constructive feedback" Washington gives me a warning look.
"I mean Aaron ain't wrong" Jefferson's condescending voice chimes "he assumes he's the smartest when in actual fact he has an IQ that's the same number as his age"
"MR JEFFERSON!" Washington cries
"Say that again" i hiss, storming over to his desk.
"Oh sorry was that too complicated for your little brain? Let me dumb it down for you. You. Are. Very. Stupid."
"Oh you're asking for it now" I growl grabbing his collar
"Just because daddy didn't want you and mummy died-"

But he's cut off by my fist colliding with his face, the sound deafening. My knuckles are raw and stinging, my eyes bloodshot, fire coursing through my veins. How dare he bring my family into this. I told him that in confidence.
"HAMILTON" Mr Washington's booming yell echoes in the classroom.
"You little prick" Thomas glowers as blood drips from his mouth. It doesn't take long for him to retaliate with a swing at my nose, the ear-splitting crack of it breaking rings in my ears. My entire face stings as my vision goes blurry not before my adrenaline kicks in and I jump on him.
"Take. It. Back." I shout at him as he claws at my face.
"You're a filthy orphan who nobody will ever love" he hisses as we clatter into desks and chairs.
"You're wrong!" I screech as I pair of strong arms pull me off him.

"Cute black eye" I snort as Jefferson and I wait for mr Washington to arrive.
"Shut up you son of a whore"
"Call me that again I dare you-" but I'm cut off but our professor entering, holding the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger in frustration.
"What am I supposed to do with the pair of you?" He sighs in defeat.
"Jefferson started it!"

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