Chapter 28 - Flicker Of Gold

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I spend hours in the garden, I walk alone to the stores. And it's quiet uptown, I always liked the quiet before. The way I could stay in my bubble, nobody bothering me, not my father, not charles. Just me, alone, peaceful.

But now the silence kills me. No back handed remarks or sarcastic comments from my boyfriend, no non stop chatter when I'm trying to watch a tv show, no mindless, incorrect lyrics to cheesy songs on the radio. Just the sound of people chattering as they head from shop to shop. I miss him so much.

I never meant to hurt Alexander's feelings, it's the last thing I would ever want to do. But I just had to open my stupid mouth and accuse his father of theft. What a idiot I am.

I glance into the window of a secondhand antique shop and see a beautiful music box with the inscription "not throwing away my shot"

I feel a tingle of happiness run up my spine and the faint echo of a smile tickles my lips. Alex never throws away his shot, he always lives in the moment and seizes every opportunity. It's one of the main reasons I fell for him in the first place, his outrageous confidence.

"I've gotta get it for him" I mumble to myself, practically pressing my nose against the glass, condensation staining the window as I breath heavily.

"Hey I was wondering how much this music box is?" I smile, holding it up to the cashier as I stand in the shop. The elderly lady behind the desk looks up from the till.
"You have excellent taste sir" she smiles warmly, a strong, comforting southern drawl encases every word "it's 20 dollars"
"I'll take it" I grin, handing her the bill when a tiny flicker of gold catches my eye from behind the counter. It looks awfully like-
"-is that a pocket watch?" I point, barely believing my eyes. It can't be Alexander's... can it?
"Why yes it is!" She cries cheerfully "a lovely gentleman sold me it this very morning, along with a charming military jacket and a sweet record player"
"Oh did he now" I can feel anger rising inside me. How could he do this to alex, his own son.
"Are you okay sir?" She stares at me with a pair of concerned chestnut eyes.
"Yes thank you" I tear my own eyes off the pocket watch.
"My pleasure dear!"

I step out of the shower, hair dripping, the air foggy due the scented water vapour. Angry thoughts are just about to re-enter my brain as I walk into the bedroom when I notice a small box on my bed with a note. I pick up the delicate paper and as I read it, tears prick in the corners of my eyes.

My dearest, Alexander

I cant apologise enough for earlier, I upset you and that's the last thing I ever want to do to you. You are the love of my life, please forgive me angel.

Another thing, I've found your pocket watch, meet me on the beach at 6, if you feel okay meeting me that is

Never forget that I love you
John x

As if I could stay mad at him, he's too damn adorable. I look at the box, the carving makes me grin ever harder but as soon as I open it my mouth actually drops. The first notes of "my shot" from Miranda's musical start playing.

It's gorgeous. It's literally perfect.

My mood increases so much and so quickly I feel as if I'm gonna burst. My father is innocent, John has found my watch. Everything is good.

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