Chapter 19 - Eliza

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Trigger warning: cyber bullying
"What the hell?!" I cry looking up from my laptop on the desk as Alex enters the dorm with a bust nose and black eye. He simply grins at me mischievously.
"I punched Jefferson in the face and he returned the favour"
"You idiot" I chuckle as he sits on my lap "as much as he deserved it"
"He's such a bitch"
"I know, I know" I mumble kissing his bruises gently "you promise me you won't fight him again?"
"Okay" he sighs
"Good" i grin. He softly pecks at my lips as I wind my arms around his waist, the smoothness of my pampered lips contrasts beautifully with the rough, recklessness of his. As the kiss becomes more intense, he wraps his dominating tongue around mine and I pull his waist closer to my body. He envelopes his arms around my neck, digging his hands into my hair, knotting it around his fingers. He tastes like dark chocolate and sea salt, a taste that intoxicates my body.
"You're so beautiful" he mumbles breaking away making me blush. I stare into his enchanting eyes and he smiles so wide it's as if his face will split in two. It's in that moment I have a life changing revaluation as the most surreal feeling tingles up my spine.

I don't just really, really like him.

I love him.

With all my heart.

"I love you" I mutter, half hoping he won't hear. He gasps and grabs my face in his hands.
"You okay?" I ask, him still squishing my cheeks between his palms. Instead of answering he latches his lips onto mine once again making me sigh in happiness.
"I love you so much John"

A couple of hours later we're cuddled up in bed watching 'ten things I hate about you', both of us crushing extremely hard of Heath ledger and his beautiful smile.
"I love you John" he mumbles into my chest as he falls asleep tucked under my arm.
"I love you too baby boy" I whisper kissing his forehead gently, before I fall asleep with him.

I have a dream where Anthony the turtle is as big as the Empire State Building and stomps right on Jefferson. Anthony then picks up me, Alex, Laf and herc and takes us on a trip around the world, stopping off in France for laf and Ireland for herc. So all in all, it's an amazing dream.

"you're so cute I swear to god" I laugh as Alex saunters out of the bathroom the next morning, yawning and rubbing his tired eyes. He's wearing my hoodie, the sleeves dangling due to our extreme height difference.
"I am a dangerous man who could fight you any day" he mumbles snuggling into the crook of my neck.
"Of course you could angel, of course." I chuckle wrapping my arms around his small frame.

My heart plummets the second I open my phone. My instagram dms are rammed with texts all reading a similar thing.
Angelica_ Schuyler: What the hell?! Eliza is the best thing in our lives! You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind!! How could Alex do this?? God I hope he's satisfied
Andpeggy_xox: John... tell me this isn't true... tell me Alex didn't do this... Eliza is so upset
Miss.Maria.Reynolds: Wtf tell Alexander to pick the phone up right now.
Jemmy_mads: did you know about this...?
A.burr: I know me and Alex don't get on too well but Eliza is a good person. He hasn't answered my texts but James is so upset. Those two are super close...

I'm so confused, I know Eliza and James are seeing each other... oh god has Alex made his world class opinion known to everyone? Did he tell them that they weren't suited? Or have a go at James aswell as Jefferson? Honestly, I have no clue what they're talking about until I look at my feed. A cold sweat rushes all over my body as i audibly gasp.
"What's wrong?" Alex looks at me in confusion, but I can't believe what I'm looking at.

It's a naked photo of Eliza with the caption:
A.ham: just got sent this by @elizabeth_schy 🤢 just finished vomiting. Honestly sweetheart this has scarred me for life. I want to bleach my eyes.

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