Chapter 13 - I Love You

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I have to find out where John's dad lives, I can't let him get away with hurting my boy. Phase one: locate the address. Who would know? The boys? I promised John I wouldn't tell them. No, my best bet is Angelica.

Me: hey angie, do you know Mr laurens address?
Angelicker: John's dad? Hmm I'm not too sure, but Peggy will know, I'll ask her. Why do you need it? :)
Me: I've got him a surprise, don't tell John
Angelicker: Peggy says she'll send you it, please be careful, John and his dad don't get on
Me: Don't worry, I'll be careful.

Within a minute peggy has texted me the address. Phase two: come up with a plan. John has art class in an hour, but he's currently at the library so I decide to get a head start on my group project with John Jay and James Madison - I will go to the Laurens place when I know John is 100% busy.
"Whatcha working on?" Hercules ruffles my hair.
"An essay on the federalist papers, gonna be 25 pages between me and the boys so shouldn't take too long"
My phone pings

John jay: feeling sick, sorry Alex I only did 5 pages.

"Uh never mind" I laugh "I better get started"
"Man, poor you. Me and laf are heading to the café if you wanna join?"
"Sorry I really need to get this down" I sigh opening my laptop
"Do you want anything mon ami? Coffee?"
"Coffee would be brilliant laf" I grin

Furiously I type away at my laptop until the boys arrive back, steaming coffee in hand.
"Holy shit Alex-" Hercules gasps handing me my drink
"Thank you" I mumble sipping the strong hot liquid
"Alex you said 25 pages all together" Lafayette gawps at my screen
"And you've already done 30!" Hercules cries
"I'm not done yet" I chuckle, shutting the screen "I've got to go though, see you both later, thanks for coffee!"

"21... 22... 23..." I mumble counting the town houses "24!" I look up at the grand city apartment, a big black door obscuring most of the wall. I tap the big brass knocker and hop nervously from foot to foot.
"I don't want whatever you're selling" a tall, stern man with permanent stain of superiority plastered across his face.
"Are you mr laurens?" I say steadily, trying to hide the nerves that want to burst out at any second.
"That depends who's asking"
"Oh well sure sir, I'm Alexander Hamilton"
"Right-" he tries to shut the door but I place my foot in, wincing slightly. Man in the movies they don't show how much this hurts your toes.
"Are you John's father?"
"What of it?" He hisses
"There's been enough assholes in John's life, he doesn't need you treating him like shit aswell"
"Who are you to tell me what to do? This is none of your business!"
"This is my entirely my business"
"What do you mean by that?"
"I'm his boyfriend"

Instantly I know this was the wrong thing to say. His face contorts and turns purple in anger, I can actually see the vein popping on his forehead. He slams the door shut making me cry in pain as I grab my foot.
"You ever lay a finger on him again, you'll be sorry!" I screech.

I've really fucked up this time.

As I open the door of the dormitory, my heart plummets. John has his head in his hands whilst Lafayette and Hercules comfort him.
"What's happened?" I ask already knowing deep down what it is.
"He hates me" John sobs in his hands
"John I was just trying to help, I didn't realise he didn't know about us-"
"You're supposed to be my boyfriend" he stands up, lip trembling
"I am your boyfriend-" I can feel the tears stinging at my ducts. "I'm an idiot, I'm so sorry and I never meant to hurt you"
"You promised me you'd never hurt me"

It's in that moment my heart breaks, I can feel my chest tightening, there's a thousand words I want to say, but I can't string together a single one.

"Do you know what he said?" He whispers taking a step towards me "he phoned me up to say you visited him and that I was disowned."
"I'm so sorry John-"
"Alex I really care about you... you mean everything to me. Charles hurt me, not just physically but mentally. And I thought you were different, I thought I could trust you"
"I am different John, I was only doing it to protect you"

He walks past me, tears dripping out of his beautiful caramel eyes.
"I love you!" I cry
"Don't say that" he sobs "you don't know what that means. You don't know what it means to love someone"

And with that he leaves the room.

What have I done?

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