Chapter 10 - Lafayette The Vicar

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The rest of the day passes in a whirlwind of glances and smirks, i'm surprised Lafayette and Hercules don't instantly notice something's up. It's only at breakfast the next day when Alex places a hand on my thigh making me blush furiously as i eat my porridge that Hercules begins to realise.
"you're staring at John an awful lot Alex" Hercules mumbles as he spreads some thick strawberry jam on his toast.
"Oh" Alex smiles "he has something on his face" he says tracing his thumb along my jawline.
"You got it?" I grin, as he keeps caressing my skin

Then suddenly, without warning, he grabs my hand and drags me out the dining hall with such a sharp movement i almost drop my bowl.
"Alex!" i exclaim, feeling excitement build inside me, as we wind up the stairs to the dormitory.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" He grins to himself, making me blush yet again.
"Beauty is a construct based entirely on childhood impressions, influences, and role models-"
"-you're beautiful John. End of story." he laughs huskily, "how can someone as intelligent as you even begin to be interested in me?" he tilts his head like an intrigued black bird.
"Because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" i reply still trying to suppress a grin of my own.

At this he presses his lips against mine making my sigh in happiness. With one hand he digs it nimbly into my hair, swirling his finger around the ringlets, whilst the other cups my face softly. his tongue moves skilfully around my mouth, expertly intertwining itself with mine whilst tasting like a mix of peppermint and cinnamon. i feel a coil of his freshly washed hair tickle my forehead and i melt unceremoniously as the kiss becomes more and more passionate. he bites my lip tenderly - teasing me before breaking away, leaving my lips longing for more.

"Let me take you out for a date tonight" he beams at me, showing off his perfect pearly teeth.
"You'd want to?" I stare at him in shock
"Want to? I'd love to. Well I mean I have to finish my essay but I only have 30 pages left to do. Shouldn't take too long"
"You're insane" I chuckle
"In a good way right?" He stares up at me furrowing his brow
"In the best way" I lean down and peck his nose gently.

He envelopes his arms around my neck before engulfing me in yet another kiss, instantly he starts moving his lips delicately yet demandingly. It's not long before I have to break away due to a pain in my neck.
"You okay?" He asks, a concerned look in his eye
"You're so short" I laugh "hurts my neck"
He backs away in mock outrage "The audacity mr laurens! I am not short! I am vertically challenged!"
"If you're not short, then I'm not in love with turtles" I chuckle, wrapping my arms around his petite waist.
"I guess you don't love turtles then"
"Take that back mr Hamilton"
"Or what?"
"Or I'll make you" I grin

In that moment the door swings open, Lafayette and Hercules bounding in.
"Right are you two dating are not?" Lafayette raises an eyebrow, folding his arms and putting his weight on his left hip
"Well we aren't exactly..." Alex starts
"Not quite yet..." I finish
"I've had enough of zis" Lafayette waves his arms in the air dramatically.
"Do you, Alexander Hamilton take John laurens to be you're lawfully wedded boyfriend" he takes mine and Alex's hand in his own.
"I do" Alex grins
"And do you John laurens take Alexander Hamilton to be your lawfully wedded boyfriend"
"Of course I do" I smile back.
"Then it gives me great pleasure to announce you are a couple. You may kiss the gay"

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