Chapter 6 - It's Not a Date

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Alexander holds my quivering hand as I sit on the edge of his bed. It probably means nothing to him, but to me it means the world. I feel like a trembling leaf on a branch - like a slight breeze would knock me over. I tell Alexander, Lafayette and Hercules absolutely everything that's happened, why I've been ignoring them, what Charles has done. Everything.

"I'm s-so sorry" I sob finishing my story
"Mon ami" Lafayette kneels in front of me "none of zis was your fault. Charles was out of order. He will never hurt you again John. I promise."
"You can stay on the top bunk, and then tomorrow we can ask site staff to make the change permanent" Alexander smiles warmly at me, squeezing my hand gently
"Thank you guys so much" I can't even begin to express my gratitude. They are truly incredible.
"Right let's cheer you up" Alexander grins, "do you want to watch Miranda the musical?"
"More than anything" I beam back

Lafayette and Hercules head to their afternoon classes leaving me and Alexander alone. He reaches for his laptop before he pulls a tartan blanket over us.
"Don't you have classes?" I ask as he logs into his Disney plus account
"Making sure you're okay is more important John" he mumbles pressing play.

It's then I realise he's not just the super cute boy I met at 5 in the morning, he's a really, really nice person aswell. He defended me in front of Charles, he's making sure I'm happy... it feels so nice.

Almost instantly we burst into song, screaming the high notes in helpless and rapping as quickly as we can to guns and ships. It feels like I've known him my whole life as we screech all the parts in non-stop.
"That was amazing!" He cries as the interval ticks by
"It was perfect" I stare at him, as he pauses it and leaps to his feet.
"Do you wanna go get something to eat?"
It makes my stomach turn - what if we run into Charles.
"Don't worry about Charles, he'll be licking his wounds in his dorm" he reassures me, saying my thoughts aloud.
I take a deep breath "Sure, I'd love to."

I'm just about to leave the room when I feel an overwhelming anxiety, like a tidal wave of panic.

I can't do this.

"No. No I can't" i stagger away from the door, Alex swiftly at my side. My heart is beating so quickly it feels like it's going to burst out of my rib cage. I get visions of Charles' anger laced eyes, his fist poised at my face, the memories burn my retinas.
"John, John I know this is scary, god I'd be terrified, but you can do this. I know you can. I know we barely know each other but I promise I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can stay here whilst I go get the food?"
I stare into his eyes, comforting pools of blue and violet with little speckles of green. He gives me strength I never thought I had as he move a ringlet of hair out of my bruised eye. Something in the tone of his voice, the certainty makes me trust him with all my heart.
"Thank you Alexander" I take another deep breath "but I want to do this."

As we sit down in the cafe, I sip at my creamy coffee, the flavour exploding on my tongue. No sign of Charles or any of his cronies, just the faint chatter of college students surround us. Perfect. I start to feel more human as the caffeine truly sinks in.
"So Alex tell me a bit about yourself" I grin, a bit of my usual confidence coming back
"What like?" He laughs awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.
"Like where'd you move from?"
"I come from a small island in the Caribbean called Nevis" his face blushes, I notice his discomfort and quickly change the subject. If he's not okay with talking about it, I'm not going to push it.
"Awesome, so what's your... favourite colour?"
"Green!" He adorably exclaims clapping his hands together "not neon green or light green, but deep, dark green. Like a forest"
"Green always reminds me of turtles. I've always wanted a turtle" I grin at the thought of it
"What would you name it?" Alex sips at his own coffee
"Anthony I think"
"Like Anthony Ramos?"
"Exactly." I grin

It's like Alexander understands exactly how my brain works. Like he knows what I'm thinking, even before I do. But my thoughts are interrupted by an irritating, cold voice. Lafayette's cousin. Thomas Jefferson.

"You stood me up for John Laurens" he laughs, throwing his head back, making my face flush crimson in embarrassment.
"Can you do us the pleasure of pissing off?" Alex glares
"When you get bored of laurens, you know where to find me Hamilton"
"Oh where's that? Hell?" Alex scolds making me nearly choke at his upfrontness
"Have fun on your date" he scowls
"It's not a date!" Me and Alex exclaim in sync only adding fuel to the burning colour of my cheeks. Jefferson sneers before swaggering away.

It's not a date... is it?

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