Chapter 5 - Saving John

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I race into our dorm, beads of sweat trickling down my forehead, to find Lafayette lounging on his top bunk reading twilight, which he quickly stuffs under his pillow.
"I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH EDWARD CULLEN!" He screeches defensively
"John-" I catch my breath "has-" I gasp again "a-... black-... eye-"
"merde" he jumps down off the bed, completely skipping the ladder "I knew Charles Lee was an utter arsehole! How dare he."
"We need to go now!" I try to tug him towards the door
"Wait, Alex we can't just burst into his dorm!"
"Why not? Me and you could take Charles anytime!"
"Calm it Muhammad Ali, we need to plan zis properly. If we can't get John out, he might get more than a black eye"
"That's a good point" I mumble sitting on my bed "I barely know either of them so what do you think we should do"
"Well Hercules will be back in an hour, how about we go round then. We would stand a much better chance"
"fine... I just hope he's okay..."
"You've took quite ze shine to him haven't you" Lafayette chuckles
"W-what?" I blush, incredibly shocked by his forwardness
"You 'ave une petite crush don't you" he pokes me in the ribs playfully
"No!" I exclaim a little to forcefully "I mean... no" I try to sound calmer
"He is trés cute..." 
"God he's adorable" I blurt out
"AH HAH!" He cries "I knew it!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about" I mumble, hurriedly grasping at my coat "I'm going to go get a coffee, do you want anything?"
"You fancy 'immm!"
"Do you want anything Lafayette?"
"That's a yes!"
"You want a coffee?"
"Oh no. I don't want anything merci" he smiles to himself

"One dark coffee please, no sugar" i mutter to the barista, my mind still completely focused on John. I hope he's okay... I'm going to make Charles Lee wish he'd never been born.
"Hey hamilton" a husky voice chimes. Jefferson.
"Hello" I sigh turning on him. He's a almost a ft taller than me, which truthfully is rather intimidating.
"Still hanging out with herculoser and lafayeet?"
"Such inventive names Jefferson" I roll my eyes, wanting him to just leave me alone.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot" he smirks
"Foot? More like wrong leg" I laugh turning to pick up my coffee
"Here let me pay for it" he hands a 5 dollar bill to the server and collects the change.
"Uh... thank you?" I look up at him, trying to work out his ulterior motive.
"Can I take you out on a date some time?"

I choke on my coffee.

Like full on, tv style, spit it out.

"What the fuck?" I splutter.
My brain can't process what he's just said. Jefferson... wants to date me?
"I didn't give you a chance, I regret that. So can I take you out some time?"
"Um... no. sorry"
"Aw c'mon hamilton, I have a good heart"
"I don't need a transplant" I mumble turning on my heels. What an idiot. He insults my new friends and then asks me on a date? He's not exactly the napoleon of romance.

"Firey, I like it"
"Good for you" I try to weave my way out of the coffee shop
"Why don't you like me?"
My short temper really can't handle pricks like Thomas.
"You're an asshole and a smarmy bitch and I swear if you don't let me drink my coffee I will scream"
"Woah" he laughs, his ringlets of hair bouncing "I didn't say just insult me"
"I'm not insulting, I'm describing"

And with that I push my way to the exit.

I'm just sauntering back to the dorm when I hear raised voices,
"You flaunted your black eye I bet!" I hear a muffled male voice through the door. This must be Charles and John's room.
"N-no I told everyone I walked into a door!"
I hear a faint thud and a yelp.

Thats it.

This prick isn't hurting John any more.

I slam open the door, to see John cowering away from a tall boy with dark hair holding his fist up.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" I yell, anger coursing through my veins.
"What are you going to do about it midget?"
"Leave him alone or you'll find out" I step in front of John, shielding him from Charles
"And who are you? John's little bitch?"
"I'm his friend"
"This is none of your business" he scowls, his thin lip twitching
"I'm leaving, and John's coming with me" I say matter of factly. I interlock my fingers in John's trembling ones, and head to the door.
"John if you leave now I'll kill you" he spits,
"You come near him and you'll be the dead one" I snap

And with that I slam the door shut. Nobody hurts John Lauren's and gets away with it.

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