Chapter 23 - Father Meets Father

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Trigger warning: drinking problem, f slur, homophobia
"How dare he walk back into my life" Alex angrily chunters as he paces up and down the dorm.
"Do you want a hug?" I open my arms in attempt to comfort him.
"Hell yeah" he pouts as he throws himself into an embrace "I mean he's such a dick"
"Such a dick" I mumble reassuringly, rubbing his back
"He's so wrong if he thinks I need him"
"So wrong"
"You know he somehow got my number? And asked to meet up?"
"So you absolutely don't wanna meet him?" I raise an eyebrow pulling away. Something inside me tells me he wants to at least get everything out on the table, to know all the facts about his father.
"Absolutely not John"
"Not even a little bit?"
"Not even a little bit." We stare at each other, an intimate battle between his intense ocean eyes and my determined caramel ones until he eventually loses "fine, okay i maybe want to hear him out" he sighs
"Alex" I laugh cupping his face in my hands "it's totally understandable you want to meet up"
"Is it though? I feel like I'm completely betraying the memory of James and my mother"
"Hearing him out isn't doing that lex. Giving the man a chance to give his side of the story isn't betrayal, it's kindness"
"So... so you think I should?"
"Yes I do" I mumble leaning in and gently kissing his lips
"Then I will do it, as long as you come with me"
"Of course"

"Thank you for meeting me son" Alexander's dad sits awkwardly in his seat as we huddle around a table in the café. I watch as my boyfriend's muscles tense, so I place a reassuring hand on his knee.
"I wanted to hear you out" Alex won't even make eye contact with his father.
"Where should I start?"
"The beginning is traditional" Alexander scoffs
"We were in debt Alex... so, so much debt..."
"Is that your excuse?"
"No! No... it's just i panicked, I didn't know what to do! I'm so sorry"
"Saying sorry doesn't wipe the years or the tears away"
"But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay and do you know what I'm here to do? I'm here for you"

Alexander's eyes fill with glassy tears, his nose twitching as he tries to suppress the emotions that are bubbling up. But the moment doesn't last long as my own eyes are teared away by a tall, anxiety provoking man I hoped never to see again walking through the door.

My own father.

Oh god of all times for this to happen. Man the universe really has got it out for me.

"Ah look who it is!" My father slurs as he tries to train his dazed eyes on me. Clearly he's already been on the drink "the little faggot who was once my son"
I feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment as the whole café falls into silence, my stomach tossing and turning in turmoil as he staggers his way to us.
"Excuse me" Alexander's father gets to his feet, before my boyfriend can. "Who are you?"
"Fags biological father!" He points at me
"I really don't think you should call him that"
"I'll call the fag whatever I like"
Alexander's father pulls himself to full height, a good 6"4 and stares intimidatingly at my dad.
"Don't you dare talk to my son's boyfriend like that. You will leave right now, or I'll make you"

I swear my jaw drops. Did this really just happen? Hot shivers of relief tickle up my spine. I have no clue what I feel. It's definitely a mixture of shock, gratitude and pure confusion as my father throws his arms up in defeat and leaves.

"That... that was brilliant of you dad" Alex actually smiles
"Did you just call me dad?" He grins back
"I... I believe I did"

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