Chapter 7 - Never Have I Ever

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"We'd like to switch rooms" I grin at the lady behind the desk, her hair neatly tied in a chic bun. I notice she wears the name tag Martha Washington, I wonder if she has any connections to my teacher. She seems a lovely sort, the approachable type, which only adds to my theory of being in relation to mr Washington.
"That shouldn't be a problem" she smiles warmly "what's you boys names and rooms?"
"I'm John Laurens, I'm currently in dorm 1782, I was hoping to move Alexander's dorm 1776" John beams
"Are you wanting to be in mr laurens current dorm?" Martha asks me
"No! No thank you!" I laugh
"Okay so John laurens to 1776... done!" She grins

As we head back to the dorm I notice a plastic bag, full of clothes and general house hold items outside our door, weird.
"Charles has dropped off my stuff" he sighs "didn't think he'd give me it back to be honest, but really? a plastic bag? He knows that's bad for the turtles"
I try my best to suppress a giggle at John's ability to turn any conversation to turtles.
"He's a prick, but I'm glad he returned your stuff" I mumble, subconsciously taking his hand in mine. I feel his muscles go stiff, as he tenses his arm. Shit. Oh god. Bad choice Alexander. Really, really bad choice.
"I-I'm sorry" I try to pull away, but he intertwines his fingers around mine and squeezes it gently.
"No... no I like it" he whispers. I dare to look up and notice he's smiling. He's a actually smiling. An infectious tingle of happiness runs up my spine.
"You have really nice... eyes Alexander" he shuffles awkwardly from foot to foot as my heart beats frantically and my breathing quickens
"John I-" but I'm cut off by his phone pinging. Brilliant.
"Oooh Peggy's invited us to the Schuyler's tonight for drinks, wanna go?"
My heart lifts at the prospect, I really do want to meet Angelica's sisters.
"Sure! Sounds fun"

A couple of hours later we are heading to the Schuyler's dorm, John looks absolutely stunning. He's got the top button undone on an emerald green dress shirt, black trousers and his bushy mane of curly hair is pulled neatly in a bun except a few ringlets to cover his eye.
"Is this your date John?" A dark haired girl with big chocolatey eyes smiles opening the door
"No! No, just friends" John exclaims making my heart sink. It isn't exactly surprising, just rather disappointing.
"Oh sorry, Come on in!" She welcomes us.

I practically gasp as I look around the room, everything in their dorm is littered with a certain level of chic. Wether that's the crystal chandelier or the gigantic tv that spans nearly across the wall, everything screams wealth. Each chair probably worth more than everything I own put together.

Sat, lounging on a couch (did I mention they have enough room for a couch?) is two pretty girls, one in a red dress and one in a canary yellow with Hercules whilst Lafayette and Angelica are preparing snacks and drinks, the strong aroma of tequila filling my lungs.
"Hey I'm Maria" the girl in the red summer dress beams
"Nice to meet you, I'm Alexander" I grin
"I'm Elizabeth, but please call me Eliza" the girl who opened the door shrugs sweetly
"And Peggy! I'm Peggy!" The girl in the yellow dress cries
"So glad to meet you all"
"Let's play never have I ever" Lafayette bounds onto the couch, almost spilling the drinks everywhere.
"Sounds brilliant" John laughs, perching on the arm of the sofa i have plopped down on "who's first?"
"Never have I ever..." Peggy looks around the group "had a secret fan account"
Everyone takes a shot, i splutter and scrunch up my nose in disgust, the liquid burning my throat and tongue.
"Ugh fuck thats grim" i hiss
"You never had shots Alex?" Eliza asks, a slight raspiness unmissable due to the alcohol.
I blush gently, "No, just some rum on the island, not much else" my eyes dart around the room, I hate the attention being on my past "never have I ever done anything illegal" i grin and take a shot. In fact everyone except John takes one.
"What the hell?" John cries "what have you all done?" Peggy and Maria look guiltily at each other, so do laf and herc, Angelica giggles and I look up at John.
"Y'all are dark horses" he chuckles "never have I ever flashed in public"
Only me, Maria and Lafayette take a shot.
"What?" I laugh at the stares "it was an unfortunate incident involving fire, an oak tree and a supermarket!"
The room breaks into laughter
"Never have I ever lost my virginity" Maria giggles, already a little tipsy.

Both me and John blush a deep crimson as everyone except us takes a shot.
"You've... never-" John shyly looks up at me whilst everyone else chatters amongst themselves.
"-No... and you've never-"
"-no" he smiles before blushing and turning away.
"Never have fuck" Lafayette rubs his temples, clearly a bit woozy after having four shots "comment dites-vous... never has i ever fancied someone in this room without telling them"
John and I are the only ones who take a shot. I want to curl up in ball and cry, it's so obvious it's John I'm on about. I scan the room and wonder who John took the shot for. Peggy maybe? They seem kinda close...

After about an hour and a half  into the night Peggy and I are hammered. It becomes apparent neither of us have drunk before. I attempt to do something that resembles dancing with Lafayette, if I'm being honest it looks like I'm having a vodka based anaphylactic shock as i scream to the Beatles. If I'm being perfectly frank it could be Eliza that I'm dancing with, I can barely see and my brain... god it's foggy.

"Kisth me Johnny boy" i mumble pulling John to the side of the room.
"You're very drunk mr Hamilton" he laughs, as I sway. I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
"Can we go to bed... sleep thing? I feeling icky" i pout
"Couldn't think of anything better" he grins "thanks for having us, but me and Alex are going!" He call to the crowd, only Hercules hearing
"Good bye love birds!" He cries before Lafayette engulfs him in a passionate make out session, making my heart lurch.

How I wish that was me and John...

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