Chapter 26 - The World Is Your Oyster

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Trigger warning: vomit (ikr how romantic lmaoo)
"I love you" I grin as I gently peck at john's lips. This week has been the best. Lafayette and my dad have got on like a house on fire, Hercules has been fishing every day and preparing us a homemade meal on an evening and me and John have never been closer.

I notice a notification in my emails from mr Washington.

Hello son,
Just wanted to check in, see how you are. Hope the essay isn't too much hassle. Martha says hi!

I stare at the message fondly, mr Washington was the first true father figure I had before my dad came back. And honestly I appreciate it so much. He would always send me updates on martha and their tom cat. They truly are the loveliest couple.

"Foods ready!" Herc calls from the dining room
"Oooh I wonder what fish it is today" John giggles tickling me "whatever it is, it'll be brilliant"
"As long as its not oysters" I laugh, shivering at the thought "they are super yucky"
"Look son! Hercules made us an oyster dinner!"
I sigh inwardly and bite my tongue as John buckles over in laughter.
"Oh come on lex, why don't you learn from an oyster and open up about your problems."
John practically wheezes from his own joke.
"I literally hate you" I hiss, grinning as I  punching him lightly on the arm.

Hercules passes me a plate full of mussels, they stare at me tauntingly as I feel a nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Mmm looks great" is all I can muster, as John starts to tear up from laughing so much.

As soon as everyone is sat down they all tuck in, but I stare at the plate like its alien life - like it's jefferson.
"You've not touched your food son" my father looks at me quizzically "you alright?"
"Oh yes, I'm just admiring it" I chuckle half heartedly picking up a shell and examining its contents.


As soon as it touches my lips my whole body repulses, the intoxicatingly disgusting sliminess latching itself to my tastebuds. I shiver as I swallow it, my gag reflex doing everything it can to stop the process, every fibre in my body begging me to quit trying to poison it.
"It's so good" I choke out at Hercules expectant look, but the words have barely left my lips before my stomach begins to churn ominously.
"Can I be excused?" I mumble not waiting for an answer, sprinting down the corridor as acidic liquid burns my throat, I make it to the toilet with only milliseconds to spare before throwing up violently.

I feel a pair of strong arms around my shoulders, pulling my hair from out of my face and rubbing my back gently. As soon as I've finished I look up and unsurprisingly see john - what an angel.
"How you feeling oyster slayer?" He giggles making me laugh as I sit up "seriously though lex how you doing?"
"My throat is on fire but weirdly better now it's out of my system"
"Oh baby I'm sorry I laughed earlier"
"I would of pissed myself if it was you" I chuckle cupping his face in my hands "It's the last time I'm polite at a meal that's for sure."
"That's my boy" he grins helping me to my feet.

As i enter the living room, I notice the place is set up for a movie night. Tonnes of fairy lights are scatters across the roof's rafters, steaming hot chocolates lined up on the mantle piece, my father holding up a selection of movies.
"You should've said you didn't like it alex!" Hercules laughs wrapping me up in a faux fur blanket. "I promise I wouldn't of been offended"
"And since when did you spare your true opinion for the benefit of others mon ami?" Lafayette giggles plumping up pillows on the sofa.
"I promise I will never be kind again" I chuckle making the whole room erupt into laughter.
"Perfect." My dad grins "now the real question is... do you want to 'watch in the heights' or 'moana'?"
"MOANA!" I squeak with excitement "THEN IN THE HEIGHTS"
"Brilliant choice son, now I've got you a little something before you go back to college."
I watch as he pulls out an intricate, gold, pocket watch, tiny engravings of roses scattered across the case, light refracting as it hits the metal at different angles. It's beautiful.
"For me?" I gasp as he places it in my hands.
"It was your mother's" he sighs "she gave me it to remember her by. I've regretted parting her with it for the longest time, I know it was selfish of me. It feels only right that I give it to you."
I wrap my arms around his neck. The first time I've hugged him since I was 10. His muscles stiffen before relaxing and encasing me in a strong embrace.
"Thank you father" I whisper, clutching the watch tightly
"My pleasure son, and always remember-" he pulls away from me and looks me dead in the eye "the world is your oyster"
"Absolute prick" I laugh as he ruffled my hair.

I grin as I grab my hot chocolate in my hands, the heat of the mug sinking into my cold fingers.

Man I love these guys so much.

If you couldn't tell, I don't like oysters 0.0

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