Chapter 25 - Oh No Alex Is Drowning

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"Right lets go swimming" Alexander declares, standing proudly on the shore, wearing bright orange flippers, arm bands, a rubber ring and a snorkel.
"Even though you look adorable, you will not be needing all that" I chuckle as he runs his fingers up my bare chest.
"Well you look positively hot" he giggles continuing to draw circles until he reaches the scars left by my father and Charles making me go rigid at the memories "they're dickheads" he mumbles before kissing the tender, healing skin. "They'll never hurt you again"

What on earth did I do to get so lucky?

"I love you lex"
"I don't blame you" he giggles dodging my playful shove.

As he takes off all his swimming tackle, revealing more of his bare torso, I can do nothing but gawk. He has perfect toned muscles and a petite waist, not to mention a gorgeous tan. Noticing my stare Alex smirks and throws his arms around my neck, completely blocking my view, earning a hearty sigh from me. I may of lost the beautiful sight, but i have gained Alex's strong signature scent.
"Teach me everything there is to know" he giggles pulling me to the vast tides lapping across the golden sand.
"Lets start small" I chuckle at his enthusiasm.
"Is that a short joke" he pouts folding his arms
"Unintentionally, yes. Now come on, I got you"

I hold his hand as I make my way into the freezing cold water, my toes curling around the little pebbles on the seabed.
I throw my head back in laughter as I coax him to come waist deep.
"You feeling okay?" I brush a loose hair from his eye.
"Uh huh" he grins, teeth chattering as I place my hands on his waist, supporting his frame.
"Okay I got you, now take your feet off the ground"
"Are you sure?" He stares at me nervously
"I promise I got you alex"

At this he takes a deep breath and begins to paddle for himself. He grins as the aquamarine water sloshes around him.
"Look john look! I'm doing it!"
"You're doing amazing! Wanna go further out?"

When alex is comfortable with being neck deep he asks if I can let go, and as soon as I do he starts to doggy paddle, grinning from ear to ear as the new sensation fuels a happiness inside him.
"You're a natural!" I smile with pure pride.

But suddenly out of nowhere a slightly stronger wave laps itself over him, momentarily putting his head under the tide. Alex's pupils dilate in fear as he resurfaces, completely terror stricken.
"Don't worry it was just a wave lex, you're okay" I sooth but it's no use, he starts flailing in the water.
"Alex!" I cry trying to grab him but he accidentally bats me out of the way until his head bobs under.

I swear my heart stops beating.

It's like my lungs have given up working.

"ALEX!" I screech as bubbles rise from where he disappeared. Without thinking, I dive under and grab his thrashing limbs as he desperately tries to keep afloat. I carry his shaking body all the way back to the shore and drop him on the sand carefully in a last ditch attempt to get him away from the sea.
"ALEX ARE YOU OKAY?" I splutter, the sea water still stinging at my eyes. In response I hear the least expected thing, he's laughing.
"That was so fun!" He chuckles, shaking his wet mane like a dog.
"YOU NEARLY DROWNED!" I laugh pulling him into the tightest hug.
"Good job I have a hot, hunky life guard then isn't it"
"Shut up. You gave me a heart attack" I grin pressing my lips against his. He tastes like the salt of the sea, utterly wonderful. He curls his tongue around mine lovingly before breaking away.
"Hmph I want to go out again"
"You're still up for it?" I look at him questioningly
"You joking? I'm not giving up after my first attempt"
God I love his resilience.
"Then mr hamilton, I believe you should put your fluorescent tangerine arm bands back on because you are NOT drowning on my watch"

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