Chapter 32 - A Disastrous Date

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"You idiot" Alex chuckles to himself as he dunks my raw, bloody fist into a bucket of ice making me hiss with pain.
"Aw c'mon wasn't it a little bit hot?" I grin, wincing as another pain shoots through my eye.
"It was very hot" he smirks "but Jeffershit was bound to retaliate" he kisses my bruised eye so softly it doesn't hurt, but just enough to tingle the nerves into excitement.
"Man he really took a swing at me" I chuckle
"He sure did. You let him mess up your beautiful face" he stares me dead in the eye "are you okay John?"
"Well my eye kinda hurts-"
"-no John I mean are you okay?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean Charles was a fucking prick to you and he... he used to hit you. So has this brought all that back?"

I think about it for a moment, shutting my eyes, trying to let my subconscious filter into my waking mind. And all I can think about is how perfect Alex's hair looks right now, all dishevelled and sweaty and ouch my knuckles are stinging. But nothing to do with Charles.
"I'm... I think I'm okay lex. I don't feel scared or anxious or hot and fuzzy all over. I feel okay"

I watch as Alex's face curls into a grin as he cups my face with excitement.
"JOHN THAT IS AMAZING!" He launches into my arms snuggling himself in the crook of my neck.
"I know! It means... it means I'm truly over what happened!" I can barely believe it myself, the relief flooding through me like a tidal wave, my emotions tingling every part of my body. I may never be able to get rid of the physical scars from him, but it's a comforting thought to know that the mental ones are on the mend.
"Let's celebrate" Alex exclaims pulling away, a mad, charming glint of adventure in his eyes.
"And how do you want to do that?" I grin, his infectious excitement intoxicating my body.
"Let's go out for a meal, a fancy restaurant, I'll pay. It'll take your mind off your bruised face and my mind of my bastard father. We can have fun"
"Well that sounds absolutely perfect. How about 8?"
"Brilliant" he grins
"Let me get ready and if you're lucky I'll wear that suit I know you like"
"You little flirt"
I wink "Every time"

"Peggy!" I cry, barging into the Schuyler sister's room at 20 to 8. The three of them practically jump out of their skin as they lay their eyes on my panic stricken face.
"JOHN?!" They all cry in sync,
"Your eye!" Peggy exclaims
"Your fist!" Eliza joins in
"Your tie!" Angelica looks at it in disgust, making her sisters turn on her in confusion.
"What?" She laughs "he looks like a 70s dad having a midlife crisis!"
"Actually Jackie she has a point" Peggy giggles "maybe lose the tie"
"Fine" I grumble, undoing it and throwing it into the unknown wilderness of their dorm. "I'm actually here because I'm going to a nice restaurant with lex and I don't want to look like a bruised peach" I pout
"Okay okay, you've come to the right place. Let's fix that eye" Peggy gets to her feet "damn that is one hella nasty black eye John, who did it?"
"Say no more" Angelica rolls up her sleeves "that son of a bitch wrote a whole essay on incredible idols of his and unsurprisingly not one was female. Imma compel him to include women in the sequel"
"We're gonna need concealer..." Eliza sighs examining the eye
"And we can style you some bangs to help..." peggy mumbles picking up some makeup brushes.

And before I know it, the girls have carefully covered up my bumps and bruises, leaving me stunned by the transformation.
"I think I'm actually satisfied!" Angelica cries triumphantly as they all high five.
"Now go get your man!" Peggy grins
"Knock him dead" Eliza smiles.
"Thank you all, seriously what would I do without you"

I look at my watch. 10 minutes. You can still make it John.

I practically jog to the whole way to the restaurant, my heart beating inside my rib cage as it desperately tries to pump oxygen to my muscles. But it all becomes worth it as i see Alex huddled outside the restaurant in a long, gorgeous, black trench coat. Stunning, as per usual.
"Hey beautiful" he mumbles, smirking.
"You look amazing Alex" I grin
"Thanks! Styled by America's favourite fighting Frenchman" he giggles adorably, spinning around to show the full extent of his outfit. A beautiful, emerald, satin shirt with jet black suit trousers.
"Lafayette is a man of true taste!" I smile kissing him gently on the lips.

"We have a reservation for two" Alex beams to the maitre d' as we enter the candle lit diner, everything in the place screams chic and wealth.
"Ah yes the beautiful seats by the window, just this way" the tall man answers

The table is truly wonderful, twinkling fairy lights drape from the ceiling and wine bottle candles, dripping with wax stand boldly in the middle of the table. Alex squeezes my hand in excitement as we approach it.

"This is beautiful-" he starts but not before an ear piercing bang cuts him off. A gun shot. My reflex kicks in as I cover Alex's small frame, his tiny body easy to protect.

A deep, cold, gruff voice booms throughout the restaurant.

"Put your hands where I can see them. This is a robbery."

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