Chapter 16 - Pamper Night

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"Do you... do you like Jefferson at all?" John asks out of nowhere. I think about the question for a moment, my initial reaction would be no. I don't like him. But then I think about how kind he was the other day and reconsider.
"Yeah he's alright. Been quite nice to me recently. Don't you dare tell him I said so though, I'd never hear the end of it"
"Oh cool" he mumbles hugging me tighter, I'm a little confused why he asks but I don't question it.
"Let's play mario cart" Eliza squeals "loser pays next time we go out for drinks
"You're on" I grin picking up a controller.

I sigh flopping back on John who is laughing at my horrendous defeat at mario cart.
"I thought you said you were unbeatable" He chuckles
"Eliza is just built different" I laugh propping my chin on his chest. I thought I'd won, I threw my hands up in victory when Eliza cried "he aims his controller at the sky!" "WAIT!" I yelled before being over took by her zooming blue car. Unbelievable.
I hear my phone ding.

Unknown number: Hey Hamilton, just wondering if you wanted to work on the next assignment together?? As long as you don't insult my work all the time it should be good - Jefferson

"Jefferson wants to work on the next assignment together" I laugh "can you imagine he's the same boy John? It's like he's changed completely"
"You can say that again" John says unusually coldly.
"You alright?"
"Yes, sorry" he smiles kissing my forehead.
"So... so you're okay if I meet with him?"
"You don't have to ask for my approval angel. But of course you can if you want"
I grin before typing.

Me: Sounds good to me, though I can't promise I won't insult your work. You are normally very wrong Jefferson :)

Whilst I'm adding his contact he replies.

Magenta Asshole: I'm never wrong. I am a southern motherfucking democratic republican and we're never wrong.
Me: federalists are better 🤚🤚
Magenta Asshole: Take. That. Back.
Me: sorry not sorry bout what i said 🤷🏻‍♂️

I shut my phone off, I don't particularly want to talk to Jefferson, not when the love of my life is sat next to me.

Half an hour later Lafayette screeches across the room "Pamper parties are fun angie!" Whilst wearing a sparkly gold exfoliating face mask with cucumbers on his eyes.
"Not when you steal my face masks!" She retaliates as I tie my back his hair, rolling my eyes in loving defiance as John tries to apply a strawberry face mask.

"NoOoO John it's up my n-nose!" I cry, waving my hands manically,
"You bumpkin, stop breathing it in"
"Stop breathing all together you mean" I laugh
"Someone would need to give him CPR, yknow mouth to mouth, in that case" Hercules laughs from a game of mario cart, shooting a glance at John.
"I wouldn't mind that actually" I smirk, stroking John's glossy skin, it's slightly rosey due to the facemask he had on. He leans in and pecks at my lips gently, grinning cheekily.
"Call that a kiss?" I cry dramatically
"I don't want to kiss your chemical strawberry concoction" he laughs as I pout and paw at his chest. "On second thoughts..." he glances at my lips "it's a risk I'm willing to take"

I wake up the next morning on the Schuyler's sofa, Encased in his strong arms, his curls tickling my nose softly.
"Morning beautiful" John kisses my forehead gently.
"Hello" I grin sleepily, as he detangles himself from me "what time is it?"
"Showtime!" He cries jumping to his feet "time for my study session"
"Ooo with your hunky teacher mr Franklin" I tease knowing how John has a particularly large crush on his revision professor.
"Shut up" he blushes "now does my outfit look like I've slept"
"Uhh.... I don't know how to tell you this" my eyes fall to his chest,
"Go on spill"
"I've drooled on your hoodie"
"Well it adds a little character to my outfit" he laughs, kissing me before leaving "thanks for having us!" He calls to the sisters, only Peggy hearing and mumbling in response.

I turn on my phone and see a notification from Jefferson.
Magenta asshole: wanna do the assignment today bitch face?

If John's okay with it I don't see why not. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Me: sure, see you at the library in an hour idiot

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