Chapter 4

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We finally got to Nico's shop and got out. We walked in and Hawk greeted the guy who I'm sure was Nico.

"What's up Hawk, what are we doing today?" Nico asked.

"Do you have time for both of us?" He gestured to me.

"Yeah I got time." Nico smiled.

"Ok cool." He smiled.

"So what do you have in mind young lady?" Nico looked at me.

"I want two, I know what one is but I need to ask Hawk about the second one." I smiled.

"For sure." Nico smiled and turned around.

"I have an idea." I smiled.

"What's your idea?" Hawk looked at me skeptical.

"Well I have two, one we can pick each other's tattoo or we can get matching tattoos." I smiled.

"I'm down for the matching tattoos." He was excited but tried to play it cool.

"If you're down yours could be "Princess's Hawk" and then mine could be "Hawk's Princess" and then we can have a little heart at the end if you want." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I like it let's do it." He smiled brightly.

"Where do we want to put them?" I asked.

"I wanted mine on my rib, so if you want we can do it on the same rib." He suggested.

"Yeah I'll do it on my right since my other tat is on my left." I smiled.

"Nico." He shouted.

"Alright you guys got it?" Nico asked.

"Yup." We said in unison and then laughed.

"Alright who's going first?" Nico prepped his stuff.

"I'll go since I'm getting two." I sat on the chair.

"Alright where do you want them?" Nico grabbed his tattoo gun.

"I want one on my right rib and the other on my hip and thigh." I explained.

"We will do the bigger one first." Nico directed.

I stood back up and stripped my pants. I was wearing black lacy underwear that showed half my ass but I would have to put up the side a little so the tattoo would fit.

I laid on my left side because I wanted it on my right hip and thigh. I showed Nico the reference photo and then told him I just want black and white.

Nico started to begin and I flinched at first. Hawk noticed and went to the other side where I was facing. He sat in a chair and scooted closer to me. He grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"Squeeze if you need to." He smiled.

Right when he got to my hip that shit hurt like a bitch, I squeezed Hawk's hand but not too tight because I had a pretty good pain tolerance. I pulled Hawk's arm closer to me and I laid on it, and I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew Hawks was waking me up.

"It's finished." He looked at the tattoo.

"Go check it out." Nico pointed to a long mirror.

I walked to the mirror and turned to the side.

The tattoo came out just how I imagined it.

"This is fucking sick, what do you think Hawk." I turned and showed Hawk.

"I think it looks hot." He smirked.

I smiled and walked back to the chair. I told hawk to run to my car and get my gym shorts so I didn't have to put on my jeans and rub the tattoo. Hawk did as I said and brought the shorts. I slid them on and then pulled off my shirt.

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