Chapter 8

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While Mikey slept I cleaned the nursery and started preparing for the new baby I was going to take care of. I prepared their incubator, grabbed a binky clip, set up their blanket, and prepped all the paperwork.

About 1:30 Mikey woke up, he was just hungry so I changed his diaper and gave him a bottle, he drank it all and fell back asleep. I laid him back down and I grabbed the new baby's incubator.

"Hey, Amy I'm headed to go get the new baby." I scanned out.

She nodded.

I looked at the room number and floor. She is on floor 4 room 660. I went to her room and knocked.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Hello." The mom smiled.

"I'm here to take your baby real quick so I can do some checkups." I smiled.

The dad handed me the baby. It was a boy.

"Hey, handsome." I smiled at the baby.

"His name is Tobias." The mom smiled.

"That is a very cute name." I placed the baby in the incubator.

"Alright, we will be back later." I said bye to the mom.

I was in the elevator when Amy was paging me. I'm probably guessing that Mikey woke up and is crying. I tried to hurry but the hospital was really busy. I had to weave through so many people to just get to the nursery. I finally got there and scanned in.

"Michael is crying." Amy looked at me.

I nodded and went into the other room. I put the other baby next to him and made sure he was ok before I opened Mikey's incubator and took him out.

"Hey, there you ok? What's the matter?" I held him close.

After a couple of minutes, he stopped crying and just laid in my arms.

"I have to help Tobias for a little bit." I walked to the cabinet. I placed Mikey on the changing table so I could strap on the carrier.

I put on the carrier and then slid Mikey into it. He laid against my chest as I went back to Tobias.

I picked up Tobias and took him to the table where I was going to weigh him and check all of his things. I did what I needed to do and then I fed Tobias and put him to sleep. I laid him back down in his incubator.

Mikey was asleep so I just left him alone. I cleaned everything and helped some of the other nurses with their stuff.

It was now time for lunch. Mikey was still asleep so I decided to just take him to lunch with me. I made sure I brought a bottle just in case he woke up and I tucked in his blanket around him so he wouldn't get cold. I told Amy that I was going to lunch and to page me if Tobias woke up.

I grabbed my lunch and headed to the cafeteria. As I was walking to the cafeteria I was getting a whole bunch of stares. I'm guessing because I was carrying a baby and I wasn't pregnant.

I got to the cafeteria and walked in. I spotted Eli at our usual table and went straight to him.

"Hey, babe." I sat down.

"Hey, Princess." He smiled.

I opened my lunch and checked on Mikey from under the blanket.

"Let me see him." Eli got up and walked to my side.

I lifted the blanket and Mikey was sleeping on my chest snuggled up.

"Hi, buddy." Eli kissed his forehead.

"He has been asleep for a while thankfully." I laughed.

"That's good." Eli sat back down.

"So, how's work?" I asked.

"Good, I only had one surgery though." He took a bite of his food.

"What was it?" I opened my lunch.

"A cleft lip." Eli looked up at me.

"Are you ok?" He hated to do those surgeries.

"It was hard but I finished." He talked quietly.

"It's ok babe." I held his hand.

"I know but I also know it is going to be hard for them to grow up." He held my hand tight.

"I know babe, but it was the best option for them." I felt bad.

"I love you." He smiled.

"We love you too." I smiled and then looked down at Mikey who was awake and was starring at me.

"Is he awake?" Eli leaned over.

"Yeah, he is staring at me." I laughed.

We finished our lunch and went to the nursery to hang out.

Eli held Mikey the whole time I cleaned, took care of Tobias, got another baby in my care, and I was able to take care of them.

After Eli left it was a quiet night. No babies cried, and the nursery was just relaxed.

I finished everything I needed to do and it was now time to go home. I packed everything for Mikey, took the new baby back to their mom, signed out, placed Mikey in his car seat, and scanned out.

I waited for Eli at the entrance. After a couple of minutes, he finally came and we went home.

On the way home I didn't feel good, I was nauseous and was just tired. I just thought nothing of it and didn't say anything to Eli because I didn't want him to worry. We got home, I took a shower, Eli took a shower, and then we cleaned Mikey up with his little shower. We fed him and put him to sleep. We placed him in the middle of us with the nursing pillow holding him up and we slept on either side.

Around noon I woke up and I didn't feel good. I got up and went to the bathroom, I threw up and I just felt like crap. I think it was lunch, that it didn't settle well.

"Princess, are you ok?" Eli opened the bathroom door.

"Yeah, just lunch didn't settle well." I flushed the toilet and got up.

"Are you sure?" He looked me over.

"Yes, I'm sure." I smiled.

He hugged me and kissed my forehead. I brushed my teeth because I hated the taste of throw-up. I finished brushing my teeth and I heard Mikey start crying. I opened the door of the bathroom and then he stopped. I walked into the room and Eli was holding him calming him down. I just stood in the doorway because it was so cute to see Eli be a dad. I watched as he held him close and soothed him back to sleep. After Eli placed Mikey back on the nursing pillow he looked at me. I smiled and walked to the bed. I laid down and fell back asleep and so did Eli.

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