Chapter 29

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This week my dad was coming home. I didn't want to leave Eli but I had to so I can see my dad. Don't get me wrong I love my dad, and I miss him, but why was I going to go home for a couple of days and then end up back at Eli's in the next couple of days.

"Babe." I was laying on Eli's chest and he rubbed my back.

"Yes, Princess? He looked at me.

"I have to go home tomorrow." I sighed.

"Why?" He was upset.

"Because my dad is coming home." I explained.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He asked.

"I wish you could, but I need to spend at least a day or two with my dad because I think he is going on another trip in a couple of days." I drew little hearts on his stomach.

"I know, but I don't want you to go." He pouted.

"I don't want to leave either, but I have to." I was sad.

"I'm going to miss you." He kissed my head.

"I'm going to miss you too." I looked up at him.

"Will you come back after he leaves again?" He looked sad.

"Of course I will, I'm not going to stay home all by myself." I laughed.

"I was just making sure." He laughed.

"Don't worry you can't get rid of me that easy." I smiled.

"I'm surprised you haven't got tired of me yet." He laughed.

"I could never." I kissed his soft lips.

"What time is your dad coming?" He asked.

"Not until 2." I laid my head back on his chest.

"That means I can spend the morning with you." He rubbed my back.

"We sleep until 12." I laughed.

"That's ok, I'm still with you." He laughed.

"True." I laughed.

It was about 10 at night. We watched a couple of movies before falling asleep.

I woke up around 10, but Hawk was still asleep. He looked peaceful so I didn't wake him up, instead, I just held onto him close. Yes, I know I might sound like I'm overreacting but I've been at his house for two weeks now and we've gotten attached. Eli was all I had besides Tory and Miguel, but I didn't see them every day anymore. The only person I saw every day at this point was Eli and I've gotten used to it. I already know that my dad is going to get home tomorrow and say hi and that he missed me and then go to bed for his shift at 12. I was basically going to be alone for the next couple of days. I used to like being alone all the time and having the house to myself but now that I've spent two weeks here with Eli, mom, and Mr. Moskowitz, I've gotten used to the company.

Eli finally woke up around 12.

"Princess, how long have you been awake?" He kissed me on my forehead.

"Since about 10." I looked up at him.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked.

"Because you looked peaceful and I know you don't like when people wake you up." I explained.

"If it's you waking me up then I don't care." He smiled.

"Well, now I know for next time." I smiled.

"Can we do that thing where we don't talk but just enjoy each other's company?" He knew I like when we did this.

I nodded my head, yes, and we did just that for the next hour. We switch spots every 30 minutes, so I could hold him and he could hold me. we just enjoyed each other's company until I had to leave.

I packed all my things and around 1:30 and said my goodbyes to mom, Mr. Moskowitz, and finally Eli. I felt bad leaving him because I knew I was basically going to my house for nothing.

I drove home and my dad wasn't even home yet. I took all my clothes to the laundry room and put them in the wash. I went to my room and it smelt completely different from Eli's room. Eli's room was warm and it smelt just like him, he smelt like nice cologne and gel from his mohawk that he rarely even wore anymore. My room was cold and dark, it smelt like pine and forest, I loved the way my room smelt but it didn't have the comfort of Eli's room. I laid on my bed and waited to hear the door. I waited for an hour and he still hadn't come. I went back downstairs to switch the clothes to the dryer. I switch the clothes and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and didn't find anything, so I went to the pantry. I found a KITKAT, which was my favorite candy. I went back to my room and ate it, I read a total of four books. It was now 8 at night, and he still wasn't home. I went back downstairs to get my laundry, I grabbed the laundry and went back upstairs. I folded and put away my laundry, then started another book. It was about 9 when I heard the door open. I went downstairs and it was my dad but he wasn't alone, he brought a woman into our house and you'll never believe who it was.

Hey everyone, sorry I didn't post earlier I had a really busy day but I will be posting a lot more in the next two days because it's the weekend and I have more time. I want to see who you guys think the new women that came home with Madilyn's dad is.

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