Chapter 15

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We waited about five minutes and then announcements started. As the kid spoke you could hear a struggle of the mic and then it was Tory's voice.

"Samantha LaRusso, you know what you did, now you're going to pay for it. I'm coming for you bitch." Tory was pissed off.

Hawk and I looked at Miguel who was in our Bio class, and he was freaked out. Then Hawk and I looked at each other, all three of us got up and ran towards the door. The teacher told us no but we didn't care and then everyone followed in pursuit. We stopped and a whole bunch of people were surrounding Tory and Sam.

"I saw what you did at the party." Tory had the murder look.

"You kissed Miguel." Tory spit.

"I." Was all Sam got out.

Tory swung at her and she tried to run, Tory grabbed her backpack and ripped it off her back and spun her around. Tory kicked her and she came flying back into Hawk, and I.

"Get back in there." Hawk laughed and we pushed her back in the circle.

Tory was beating the crap out of her and he threw her into the lockers. The Robby kid pulled Tory off of Sam before she could get another hit and she tried to move but he swung her around and pinned her against the lockers. He kept asking Sam if she was ok.

"Hey." Miguel shouted.

Miguel then ran full speed and tackled Robby to the ground. Tory and Sam started fighting again and at this point Miguel and Robby were fighting.

"Your ready Princess." Hawk looked at me.

I nodded.

"Oh it is on." Hawk and I shouted in unison.

Hawk looked around, pushed two kids from both sides, punched a kid and flipped another over, then kicked and pushed another.

"Yeah." He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Oh my god he was hot. Then someone tried to tackle him. I knew he could handle himself and it was my turn to kick some ass.

I looked around to spot any kids from Miyagi do. I spotted some and I charged and punched the kid in the face they hit the ground hard. I then went to the next kid, I did my spin kick and they hit the lockers and fell to the ground. I was so hyped up, the adrenaline rush was amazing, I shoved another kid, and punched him. A boy came from behind and shoved me into some lockers.

"You're going to wish you never did that." I grabbed the kid's shoulder and threw him into the locker, I then turned him around, kneed him in the side, punched him in the gut, and lastly punched him in the nose. He fell to the ground.

"Yeah try again next time pussy." I gave him one last kick to the stomach.

"Who's next." I raised my hands and shouted.

A girl ran to me and punched me in the nose, luckily my nose doesn't bleed easily. I stepped back and checked my nose to see if it was bleeding, it wasn't. I glared at the girl and kicked her in the face, she fell straight on the floor. Another guy charged at me and I pushed back. Everyone was headed towards the stairs, I spotted Hawk pushing a guy through the door as well. Tory had already gone through the door and pushed Sam on the floor. Miguel had also went through the door with Robby and Robby was on the floor. A teacher tried to stop me and the guy from fighting but I elbowed the teacher in the nose and flipped him over onto his back. I saw Hawk chasing his ex best friend Demetri down the hall. I didn't follow because another person started attacking me. Tory and Sam were already on the second level of stairs and I couldn't see. I saw two kids from our dojo get Robby and Miguel ran up the stairs to Tory and Sam. I ran past them and went up the stairs to where they were. Miguel tried to grab Tory but she threw him off her and into a pole he stared at her. Tory looked at him with pain in her eyes, then continued with her fight. Robby then came running up the stairs and Miguel tripped him, he went sliding against the floor. Tory grabbed Sam by her hair and dragged her down the stairs to the platform before another round of stairs. I looked over and saw Robby and Miguel fighting, Robby had got Miguel good in the leg but Miguel recovered. I could hear Robby accusing Miguel of taking advantage of Sam. I then looked down to see Tory had grabbed her spike bracelet wrapped around her knuckles. Tory slashed Sam on the arm and Tory went to slash her on her throat but Sam stopped her and threw her off the rail and Tory hit the net round of stairs. I ran down the stairs, I saw Sam.

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