Chapter 6

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I put Mikey in his incubator and put away the carrier. He was asleep so that was good and I grabbed my things.

"Hey, Amy, I need to go to Brittney's office but I'll be back." I smiled.

"Ok." She picked up Bella.

I walked out of the nursery and went down the hall and waited at her office door. Eli wasn't here yet and I wanted to wait for him. After about five minutes Eli came and smiled at me.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yup." He smiled.

I knocked on Brittney's door and waited for her to answer.

"Come in." She called out.

I opened the door, Eli and I walked in. When we walked in there was a lady already sitting at the table.

"Hi, you must be Madilyn and Eli." She stood and shook our hands.

"Yes, that's us." I smiled.

"So, what did you decided?" Brittney asked.

"We decided that we would be fine with taking him home." I smiled.

"That's great." The other lady smiled.

"I have a couple of questions though." I stated.

"Yeah, of course." The lady was sweet.

"We don't have a crib or anything else for him, so what would we do?" I asked.

"We will provide everything for you." Brittney explained.

"That's great, thank you." Eli was so excited.

"Ok, now I need to explain a couple of things. One, since his mom was a drug addict when she gave birth he will be going through withdraws. He will probably cry because he will be in pain just like a regular adult would be. There isn't anything you can do besides hold him and try to comfort him. Another thing, you will have to check his stuff just like you would during your shift. But, other than that everything else is handled." The lady explained.

We nodded that we understood.

"Alright, now we get to the signing part. So, I need both of you to sign here and here." She pointed to the spots.

Eli and I both signed our parts.

"Alright, that's it you can take Michael home tonight." The lady put all her stuff away.

"Madilyn and Eli, come with me and I will get everything for you." Brittney stood.

We said goodbye to the social worker and followed Brittney. She took us to the storage room. She handed Eli a car seat, she handed me a popup crib that was packed neatly, she then grabbed a diaper bag and filled it with diapers, some blankets, burping rags, bottles, different ointments just in case, wipes, formula, a nursing pillow, a changing blanket, a carrier I had used in the nursery, a tub thing so we could set him in for his baths, some pajamas and onesies, and a couple of other little things.

"You guys are all set." She handed me the diaper back with everything.

"So, I can clock out and just take him?" It was so easy.

"Yup." She smiled.

"Thank you." Eli smiled.

"No, thank you." Brittney smiled.

We walked out of the storage room and walked to the nursery. I scanned us in the nursery and we went to where Mickey was. I opened the door and he was still asleep. Eli set the car seat down and I opened his incubator. I took him out carefully and placed him in the car seat I strapped him in and adjusted the straps. He was so tiny I had to tighten the straps all the way, I laid his blanket on him and tucked him in. I then grabbed a little cute clip with different colored bead-type things. I clipped it onto his binky and then clipped the bottom to his blanket. I slid the car seat cover over all the way so when we walked out outside he wouldn't freeze.

"All ready?" Eli asked.

"Yup." I smiled.

Eli picked up his car seat and we walked into the other room. As we walked out Chelsea came in to take over my shift.

"Hey, you don't have to take care of Michael anymore, from now on I'm taking him home with me." I explained.

"Thank god, he gave me stress." She laughed.

"Oh, and Maddison is in the room with her mom." I smiled.

"Ok, great." She smiled.

I smiled at her and clocked out. Eli and I walked out and went to the car. Eli buckled the car seat in so next time we didn't have to take the bottom part of it and it would be a lot lighter. We drove home and walked in. Eli carried Mikey in and placed him on the bed.

"We have a baby." He starred at the car seat.

"I know, it's weird." I looked at Eli.

"I hope he likes me." He looked at me.

"He already does." I smiled.

"We are parents." He took my hand.

"You know this is just temporary." I sighed.

"I know, but it's still nice." He smiled.

"Wanna set the crib up?" I was excited.

"Yeah." He smiled.

Eli ran to the car to get the diaper bag and the crib box. He came back in and brought the stuff in the room and set the diaper bag on the bed. Eli and I sat on the floor and opened the box. We took out all the stuff and looked at the directions, we quickly set up the crib and placed it on my side of the bed.

"Do you want me to get him out or do you want to do it?" I looked at Eli.

"You can do it." He laughed.

I slid up the car seat cover, untucked him, unstrapped him, and slid him out carefully. Eli set up the nursing pillow in the middle of the bed and I carefully laid him down and covered him with his blanket.

"I'm going to shower, you ok." I smiled.

"I got him." Eli laid next to Mikey and just admired him.

I grabbed my towels and got in the shower. I showered, dried off, and put on my pajamas. I combed out my hair and put it in a bun.

"Ok, babe you can go shower." I walked out of the bathroom.

"I think I love him." Eli looked at me and then back at Mikey.

"I love him too." I climbed onto the bed and laid on the other side of Mikey.

"I'm going to go shower." Eli got up.

I nodded and grabbed the diaper bag. I carefully changed Mikey's diaper and put on his pajamas. I then laid him back down on the nursing pillow which I called a boppy and laid next to him. I got comfortable and ended up falling asleep before Eli got out of the shower. After a while, I felt the bed move a little so I opened my eyes. It was just Eli getting in the bed.

"Want me to put him in his crib?" I asked.

"No, he's ok." Eli laid down next to Mikey.

I looked at Mikey and he was still asleep. I closed my eyes again and fell back asleep.

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