Chapter 13

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Karate was the same. Sensei asked Hawk and I if anyone left without getting punched, we said no that everyone got punched. He nodded and today all we did was spare with some new people. Of course he partnered Hawk and I together, most of the time we messed around just flipping each other over and pinning each other down. Aiden didn't come today, I was kind of relieved because I needed to get home asap so I could get ready for dinner with Hawk and his parents. Sensei dismissed us and we changed back into our clothes.

"Princess, wait up." Hawk ran from where the boys changed.

"Yeah babe." I smiled.

"I was just making sure you were ok,  I know you're nervous to meet my parents." He held my hand.

"I'm nervous but I think I'll be ok, hopefully." I let out a nervous laugh.

"They're going to love you." He smiled.

"I hope so. Do they know we are together?" I hoped they didn't yet.

"Yeah while I was in the locker room I was so excited and I called my mom to tell her." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Aww that's adorable." I cupped his face with my hands.

He laughed and grabbed me by my waist to pull me in closer.

"I have to get ready so I look at least decent to meet your parents." I giggled.

"You'll look great." He kissed me softly.

Our lips parted.

"I'll text you my address." He smiled.

I nodded and walked to my car. Miguel, and Hawk got on their scooters and left. As for Tory she got a ride from Sensei today.

I rushed home even though it was only 6 but I needed time to calm and collect myself but also choose a decent outfit to wear. I went straight to my room and started the water. I stripped my clothes and got in the shower. I stayed in the shower for about 45 minutes about 35 of the minutes I was there I was just standing in the water relaxing. The other 10 I actually showered. I finally got out and wrapped my towel around my body. I went to my closet and looked through it, I went through it for about 15 minutes until I finally gave up and grabbed a pair of light black jeans that didn't have any rips, and a long sleeve forest green top that was flowy but was tight at the waist. Hawk said to make sure and cover my tattoos so I went to the bathroom and decided to do my hair down and just put some Dutch braids at the front and connected them in the back so it looked nice but not too fancy. As for shoes I just put on my black old school vans with black laces. It was about 7:45, and Hawk had just texted me his address. I grabbed my keys, got in my car, and put in the address in my GPS and headed to Hawks. His house wasn't to fair only about a 10 minute drive. I pulled up and it was a simple house, but it was cute and it gave off that homey vibe. I took a couple deep breaths and got out, I walked to the door and knocked. I waited a couple seconds and then a man opened the door.

"Hello, you must be Madilyn, Eli's girlfriend." He smiled.

"Yeah that's me." I smiled.

"Here come in." He moved and let me in.

I walked in and looked around without trying to be too obvious. His house was nicely decorated, it was simple but very beautiful.

"Eli, Madilyn is here." His father called.

Hawk came out from his room, his hair wasn't in his normal mohawk but it was natural. It was long, it looked really good though so I wasn't complaining.

"Hey Madilyn." He hugged me.

"So do I call you Eli or Hawk?" I giggled.

"My parents still call me Eli, and they don't necessarily like the name Hawk." He laughed.

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