The Sequel: Chapter 1

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Here we are years later and Eli and I are still together. We have come so far in life. We have been together for a total of 10 years now. These past years have been the most amazing years in my life, we have matured and grown as people together and I can't be happier. I finished schooling to become a NICU nurse with all the premature babies. As for Eli, he got his dream job as a plastic surgeon. We work in the same hospital just in different parts of it. Luckily we have the same shift and we eat lunch together every day. Our life has been crazy, Eli and I had and still have an amazing relationship. I continued to live with Eli my entire time in high school. We both got summer jobs and we saved up all the money to get ourselves an apartment. The summer we were going to college we moved into our apartment. My dad paid for both of our college tuitions and everything that came with going to college. My relationship with my dad got better, Eli and I went to a "family" dinner every Sunday.

My dad and Ms. Diaz which is now Mrs. Jacobs. They got married the summer after my junior year. My dad and my new stepmom were happy and it made me happy. I never called her mom I call her by her first name now because she isn't Ms. Diaz anymore.

Miguel is still with Tory and they actually have a kid together. Tory moved in with Miguel senior year. Tory got pregnant in her fourth year of college. She continued to go to school and have the baby. They had an adorable little girl, her name was Rosy. She had blonde hair with dark brown eyes like Miguel. In my opinion, she looked more like Miguel but that was just me. I was an intern then so I got to actually be in the room with Tory when she gave birth. It was an amazing thing for her and Miguel. The baby is now three years old and she walks and talks already. I love being an aunt to her, and Eli loves her like she is his own.

I can tell Eli wants a baby so bad but I don't know if I am ready to be a mom. Don't get me wrong I love kids and I want them but I'm just scared to be a mom. I am just scared that I will be a bad mom.

Eli and I just got off our shift and are heading home.

"Princess." Eli took my hand.

"Yes?" I looked at him.

"You are glowing." He smiled.

"You think?" I laughed.

"You're always glowing but this is a different kind of glow." He squeezed my hand.

"Well, thank you." I smiled.

We got home and went inside.

I flopped down on the bed and rested.

"Tired Princess?" Eli laid next to me.

"Yeah." I closed my eyes.

"Come on, let's go take a shower, and then we can go to bed." He carried my bridal style to the bathroom.

I always laughed when he did this because I felt silly. He set me down on the counter and turned on the shower. We stripped our clothes and got in. Our shower was a bathtub so we could sit down and lean against the wall. Eli sat down first and then he pulled me in between his legs and leaned me back against his chest. We let the water rain down on our bodies.

"You know I love you right." I looked up at him.

"You have spent that past 10 years with me, I think I know that by now." He laughed.

"Do you love me?" I smiled.

"Yes, I love you." He placed a whole bunch of little kisses on my face.

I would have thought he would stop doing them at the beginning of our relationship but no he still does them to this day and I love them.

Eli placed his hands on my belly and rubbed it.

"What are you doing?" I looked down at his hands.

"Just rubbing your tummy." He laid his head on my shoulder.

"You want a baby don't you." I kissed his cheek.

"With all my heart, but I know you aren't ready yet." He kissed my shoulder.

I didn't say anything, I just thought about what it would be like to have another human being growing inside me. It was an amazing thought of giving life to someone else and feeling it grow inside you. I wanted a baby but I just wasn't ready.

We sat there for about 20 more minutes and the whole time Eli just rubbed my stomach.

We finally showered, got out, put on our pajamas, and laid down.

Eli scooted down to my stomach and put his ear to it.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Listening to see if I can hear something moving." He listened closely.

"I don't think there is baby." I rubbed his head.

He scooted back up to my chest and laid on it.

"What if something was growing inside there?" He asked.

"Then I would be happy and excited and I would have to prepare to have a baby." I rubbed his back.

"You wouldn't get rid of it?" He questioned.

"Never in a million years, that's a life that we created and I couldn't do that." It was a special thought to know something was growing inside of me and I couldn't destroy that life.

"I think somethings in there." He smiled against my chest.

"You do?" I questioned.

"Yeah." He looked up at me.

"I don't think so baby." I gave him a sincere look.

"I do, just watch." He laid back down.

I doubted a baby was in my stomach, I would think I would be able to tell right. I would feel something different, wouldn't I? I started thinking about a baby and I guess it wouldn't be so bad having one, I loved Rosy so just imagine how much I would love my own. The fear of being a mom was going away and at this point, it seemed like a gift. But for now, we won't be trying to have one, but if it happens it happens.

This is chapter 1 to the sequel and I am so excited to be writing this. I am so invested with this and I have so many ideas for this. I hope you guys like it so far even though it is only chapter 1 and there are so many more chapters to come. Let me know if you guys want me to post three chapters a day or you want me to finish the sequel and then post it all in one sitting. If you guys want me to post this all in one sitting I am still not sure how long it will be until I finish. :)

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