Chapter 31

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Around four in the afternoon I woke up but Eli was still asleep. I looked at him and I knew he didn't sleep the night before, his eyes were still a little puffy and we looked like he was getting actually good sleep so I didn't wake him. I was hungry so I slowly climbed out of bed and put a pillow in Eli's arms to replace me. I got up and walked to the kitchen. Mom and Mr. Moskowitz both were sitting at the table.

"Hey sweety, how are you feeling?" Mom looked at me.

"A little better, sleep helped." I smiled.

"That's good. I hope you don't mind but I told Mr. Moskowitz  what happened." She looked at Mr. Moskowitz.

"I don't mind." I smiled.

"Do you want anything to eat, I made cookies." She smiled.

"I love cookies." I laughed.

"Great." She got up and grabbed the cookies off the counter.

"How many?" She smiled.

"Four please." I smiled.

"Here you go, sweety." She handed me the cookies and kissed my forehead.

"So, have you heard from your dad?" Mr. Moskowitz asked.

"I turned off my phone so I don't know. But probably not." I took a bit of the cookie.

"I'm sorry Madilyn, you don't deserve to get all this dumped on you so quickly." He looked at me with sympathy.

"It's ok I guess, I have you guys and I'm not alone." I finished the cookie.

"That's right." Mr. Moskowitz smiled.

"Have you talked to Eli about it?" Mom asked.

"No, he's asleep. I'm guessing he didn't get any sleep last night since I was gone." I explained.

"Probably not, he has gotten so attached to you." Mom smiled.

"I shouldn't have left." I finished the second cookie.

"Madilyn, your dad was coming home and you missed him. Don't blame yourself." Mom grabbed my hand.

"I know but I had a bad feeling before I even left, I should have listened to my gut." I finished the third cookie.

"Madilyn, you're heart was in the right place." Mr. Moskowitz smiled.

"Sometimes the heart is wrong." I sighed.

"But, look at it this way. Sometimes the heart is right, like with Eli. If you didn't follow your heart then you would not have been with Eli for this long." Mom smiled.

"That's the only great thing that has ever come out of me listening to my heart." I laughed.

"He is so lucky to have you as his girlfriend, and we are so lucky to have you part of this family." She smiled.

"She's right." Mr. Moskowitz smiled.

"Thank you guys." I smiled.

"Anytime kiddo." Mr. Moskowitz smiled.

I could hear Eli calling my name, I think he was having a nightmare.

"Eli is having a nightmare, I'll go take care of it." I got up and ran to Eli's room.

I opened the door and I was right he was having a nightmare. He was tossing and turning to call for me then tears started falling down his face. I ran to the bed and tried to wake him up.

"Babe, it's ok. I'm here." I held onto him.

"Madilyn." He woke up suddenly.

"It's ok." I pulled him into my chest.

"When did you get here?" He was breathing hard.

"I've been here since noon." I rocked him slowly.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He was trying to catch his breath.

"Because I knew you probably didn't sleep all last night without me." I explained.

"Did you get some sleep?" He asked.

"Yeah, as soon as I climbed in bed you scooted over to me and buried your head in my neck, and I fell asleep." I smiled.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"No, it's ok. I didn't mind it helped me fall asleep." I rubbed his back.

After a few minutes he calmed down and he sat up.

"Have you been crying?" He looked at my eyes.

"Yeah." I looked down.

"Why Princess?" He held my hands.

"To make it short. I waited for my dad until about 8 last night and when he finally came home he brought home a woman. He has been dating Miguel's mom for the past 6 months, to make it worse Miguel and Tory knew about it but didn't tell me anything." I was trying to fight back more tears.

"Oh my god, Princess I am so sorry." He pulled me into his chest.

"I know I should be happy for him but he promised to never love another woman besides my mom after she died and he lied. My best friends didn't even tell me about it. Eli he even asked why I didn't stay here with you, it was like he didn't even miss me. I've basically raised myself and now all of a sudden he wants to bring home me a stepmom and a stepbrother that is one of my friends I don't think I can do this." I cried.

"Princess, it's ok. You have every right to be upset, he has turned your world upside down. Plus, you feel betrayed by your best friends, that is a lot to take in." He rubbed my back and rocked me back and forth.

I didn't say anything I just kept crying, the tears weren't stopping.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Don't apologize, this is what I'm here for. I'm your boyfriend, I'm here to love you, take care you of, and I'm definitely here for you to talk to me." He kissed my head.

"I love you." I looked up at him.

"And I love you." He hugged me tightly.

"You only got four hours of sleep, lets take a nap." He laid down and laid me on his chest.

He rubbed my back and tickled my arm softly until I finally fell asleep. I fell asleep to the beat of his heart and his breathing patterns. Our hearts were in sync with each other.

This chapters a little short because I wanted them to have this moment in a chapter by it's self. I'm glad you guys love this book and I know I have said this before but your guys support and love really does mean the world to me. I love every single one of you guys who read this book and comment and vote. I'm trying to post as much as I can but I'm planning the other Hawk love story at the same time. I hope every one has an amazing day and I will be posting a couple of chapters later on.

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