Chapter 27

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Hawk and I just woke up and were laying in bed.

"Babe, I need to go home today." I looked down at him.

"Why, I want you to stay longer." He was sad.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant I need to go home and get some new clothes." I rubbed his back.

"I'll go with you if want." He looked up at me.

"Yeah, of course, I want you to go." I laughed.

"Do you wanna go to the beach later and invite Tory and Miguel?" He drew circles on my stomach.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun." I brushed his hair out of his face.

"What time?" He continued to draw circles.

"What time is it now?" I asked.

"10." He looked at his phone.

"So, do you think 12 would be good?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I think so." He looked up at me and smiled.

"Ok, then we better get going." I tried to move.

"Wait five more minutes." He pushed me back down and laid back on my stomach.

For someone that doesn't like touch, I let Eli cling to me like a sloth of its branch. What I find even funnier is I hate touch but touch is my love language. Rubbing his back or brushing his hair out of his face is me showing him that I love and care about him. Don't get me wrong we say I love you all the time but people can lie and say something they don't mean but, doing the simple little things I do or he does shows each other we mean what we said.

"Ok, your five minutes are up." I laughed.

"Fine, but I'm not getting dressed until later." He sat up.

"It's ok, neither am I." I laughed.

We got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mrs. Moskowitz." I smiled.

"Good morning sweety." She smiled.

"Morning momma." Eli smiled.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"I am going to go to my house and get some clothes. I've already worn half of Eli's closet." I laughed.

"That I can see." She laughed and looked at my shirt.

"Momma, I'm going to go with her if that's ok." Eli was always sweet to his mom.

"Yeah, that's fine." She smiled.

"We were planning on going to the beach later with Tory and Miguel, is that ok?" I wanted to make sure she was ok with it.

"Yeah, that's fine." She smiled.

"Thank you, Mrs. Moskowitz. I'll see you later." I hugged her.

"Please you're basically living here at this point, so please call me mom or my first name." She smiled.

I tried to play it off cool and not freak out this was a big deal for me on many levels. For one, I never had a mom so calling someone mom and hopefully, she'll be my future mother-in-law. Two, this means she sees Eli and I getting married in the future like she expects me to be in her future. I was freaking out inside and then when Eli and I got in the car I went on this huge rant about how much I love his mom and how much I loved him. Also how lucky I was that she actually liked me and didn't hate me even though I am usually not good with parents. Eli laughed at me the whole time for how much I was geeking out about it. We finally got to my house and I calmed down.

We went to my room and I grabbed a big duffle bag and started filling it up with clothes, while Eli laid on my bed.

"Which swimsuit should I pack?" I asked Eli.

"I need options." He laughed.

I pulled out four bikinis, one was a simple red one from the last party, one was the navy blue one that I tried on last time, the next was a simple forest green color, and the last one was a simple royal blue one.

"I think I might need a fashion show." He laughed.

I grabbed the swimsuits and headed into the bathroom. I put on the red one first and walked out.

"I like this one. Can I get a spin?" He twirled his finger.

I did a spin and my model walk.

"I really like this one." He smiled.

I walked back into the bathroom and put on the navy blue one. I walked out doing my model walked and spin.

"I really like this one too." He laughed.

I laughed and went back into the bathroom. I put on the royal blue one next and did exactly as I did before.

"This one fits your curves really good." He smirked.

I walked back into the bathroom for the last change. I walked out and did the same thing.

"This is the one. This one fits your curves, goes great with your skin tone, and it makes your butt look amazing." He got up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So this one?" I laughed.

"Definitely this one." He smirked and kissed me.

"Text Tory and Miguel while I get changed please." I walked back into the bathroom.

"You got it, Princess." He laughed.

I changed back into the clothes I had on before and walked out.

"You ready?" He looked at me.

"Yup, let's go." I smiled.

We drove back to his house and went inside. Mom had already gone to work and so did Mr. Moskowitz.

"What did they say?" I put my bag down on the floor.

"They said they're down." Eli jumped on the bed.

"Do they need a ride?" I laid down next to him.

"I guess Tory spent the night last night so Miguel's mom is going to take them." He explained.

I nodded and took Eli's hand.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me.

"Nothing, just we've been together officially almost 4 months now." I looked at him.

"That's crazy, and you know what?" He turned to his side.

"What?" I turned to my side.

"These four months have been the best four months I've ever lived." He grabbed me and laid me on his chest.

"Mine too." I sighed.

"Are you ok?" He kissed my forehead.

"I'm more than ok. I just like the silence laying next to you." I smiled to myself.

He picked up my chin and kissed me. I laid my head back on his chest and we just laid there in silence, I drew tiny hearts on his stomach and he rubbed my back for 30 minutes.

"I guess we should get ready." I sat up.

"I liked the silence." He laughed.

"Me too, but we already made plans." I laughed.

"I know, and I get to see you in that amazing bathing suit." He smirked and kissed me.

We got ready and headed to the beach.

This chapter is a little short because I didn't want to make it super long with the beach chapter so I split them. I am not going to post the beach chapter tonight because I have to do a lot of editing, but I had a really long and stressful day today, but it will be out tomorrow morning. I am glad you guys love this story and thank you for all the support and love, I really appreciate you guys, and you guys mean the world to me. <3

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