Chapter 33

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The hour went by in a flash and it was finally time to head to dinner. My dad had come to my room and told us it was time to go. Eli held my hand because he knew I was nervous about the whole thing and I needed his comfort. Eli and I drove in a separate car as Miguel, Abuela, my dad, and Ms. Diaz. We arrived at this restaurant an hour away and it was super fancy. I knew as soon as we walked in people were going to stare as they usually did. We got down and right away Eli pulled me in close and wrapped his arm around my waist and I wrapped mine around his back.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Not really, I have no idea how this is going to go." I looked at him.

"I promise Princess everything is going to be just fine." He smiled.

"I hope so." I sighed.

"If you get too uncomfortable let me know and we can leave." He reassured.

"My dad is probably going to ask you a whole bunch of questions so be prepared and I am sorry in advance if he says anything offending." I rested my head in his arm.

"You don't ever need to apologize for your dad's action, and if he does I won't be mad at you." He kissed my forehead.

"Thanks, babe for being here." I kissed his lips.

"I'm always going to be here for you." He kissed my lips again.

We walked in with his arms around my waist and mine around his back. Just as I suspected everyone had stop and stare at him. I wanted to punch these people since he didn't have the mohawk people paid more attention to his lip. I was trying to look at him and make sure he was ok, he saw people starring and he gripped me tighter for comfort.

"It's ok, I'm here." I tried to reassure him.

He calmed down as we sat down in a booth that was away from pretty much everyone.

I sat next to Eli and the isle, Miguel sat on the other side of Eli, Abuela sat next to Miguel, then it was Ms. Diaz then my dad next to the isle.

"What drinks would you guys like?" The waiter stood next to me.

"Dr. Pepper please." I didn't lookup.

"I'll take a Dr. Pepper too." Eli smiled at the waiter.

Everyone ordered their drinks and now this is the part where it was going to start getting awkward.

"So, Madilyn what did you do while I was gone?" My dad asked.

"I stayed at Eli's the entire time." I looked at the menu.

"Nothing else?" He questioned.

"I went to the beach, and a couple of other things." I still didn't look at my dad.

"Didn't you go to Miguel's birthday party?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did." I said plainly.

"Did you guys have fun?" He asked.

"Yeah, we did." Eli spoke up for me.

"So Eli, how long have you and Madilyn been dating?" My dad was always so nosey.

"Four months now." Eli smiled at me and I smiled back.

"That's amazing." My dad smiled.

"Miguel, what about you? How long have you and your girlfriend been dating?" He looked over at Miguel.

"Her name is Tory and we have been together for five months." Miguel smiled.

"Wait, Tory, that name sounds familiar." My dad looked at me.

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